State Center Regional Training Facility (SCRTF)


Any person attending Advanced Officer Training courses at the State Center Regional Training Facility shall comply with Federal/State/Local COVID-19 safety requirements.  These include all officers shall wear a protective mask covering face and mouth during instruction.  Officers are required to bring a protective mask for themselves when attending class.  Social distancing will also be followed during instruction. 

The State Center Regional Training Facility (SCRTF) is one of the only full-service law enforcement training facilities in the State of California. SCRTF presents various law enforcement training from the Basic Police Academy and Probation Officer courses to Advanced Officer Training, Recertification courses, Out-of-State Wavier testing, ICI courses, Dispatcher courses, along with many other continual law enforcement courses.


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Phone: 559.442.5900
Location: First Responder Center

First Responder Center
Attn: Police Academy
3300 E North Ave
Fresno CA 93725


Basic Academy career options

  • Police Officer
  • Deputy Sheriff
  • District Attorney Investigators
  • CA Government Law Enforcement Agencies

Level I Police Academy career options

  • Level 1 Reserve Peace Officer
  • Regular full-time Peace Officer

Probation career options

  • Juvenile Correctional Officer county level
  • Probation Officer county level

Want Professional Development?

Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation - is designed to improve the effectiveness of individual investigators through training. ICI courses are open to all full-time investigators or qualified uniformed officers with one year experience conducting follow-up investigations. ICI only requires a firm commitment from both students and their respective agencies that all courses will be completed.

Fresno PD Courses - Satisfies mandatory yearly requirements of the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for advanced officer training. May be offered in seminar, lecture, and/or laboratory format. Examination of topics, current trends, and/or issues as mandated by POST and not covered by regular catalog offerings. Course content to be determined by POST.

Fresno SO Courses - Satisfies mandatory yearly requirements of the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) or Standards for Training in Corrections (STC) for advanced officer training. May be offered in seminar, lecture, and/or laboratory format. Examination of topics, current trends, and/or issues as mandated by POST or STC and not covered by regular catalog offerings. Course content to be determined by POST or STC.