A TAG is a written agreement between the student, the community college and appropriate UC that accept TAGs which states if a student meets the conditions specified in the agreement (TAG), the student will have priority review of application and/or be admitted to the UC they have chosen to TAG (only one TAG is allowed).
The TAG application is submitted one year prior to the student's anticipated transfer date. Creating a account during your first semester, will make this process much smoother.
How to begin a UC TAG for Fall 2026
- is now available for you to begin the process.
- Check the TAG Matrix 2024-2025 eligibility criteria and campus-specific requirements.
- If you need assistance with completing the UC TAG form, please visit the FCC Transfer Center or contact us at 559.442.8290.
- UC TAG application filing period is September 1st - September 30, 2025.
- The University of California will REQUIRE a college admission application & the personal statement to be filed during October 1st - November 30, 2025.
- The University of California will only accept one TAG application per transfer student. The following campuses that accept TAG's are: Davis, Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, & Santa
Please Note: UC TAG Email Notifications will be sent to all students mid-November. UC Transfer Students with an "Approved TAG" MUST complete and submit the UC Application.