Business Technology (Office)

Office occupations continue to have a large labor-market demand nationally. Business & Technology courses provide students knowledge of how to use current computer software tools and devices in addition to providing students good organization skills coupled with a strong work ethic.



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Please contact the Business Counselor, Lori Swain, or Karen Dancey, Business & Technology Instructor/Department Chair.

For help with the One Person Office Certificate, contact

Courses and Information

To see recommended courses, see the Catalog.  To see upcoming scheduled classes, see the Schedule of Classes

FAQs about Office Professional Certificate (One Person Office Emphasis)

Tuition for the California Community College system is $46 per unit.

The following courses are required:

BT 1     - Computer Document Processing I (3 units)
BT 9     - Computer Applications I (3 units)
BT 19   - Work Experience (cooperation), Occupational (1 unit)
BT 23   - Job Search and Workplace Skills (3 units)
BT 112  - Business English (3 units)
BT 115  - Refresher Math (3 units)
BT 2     - Computer Document Processing II (3 units)
BT 6     - Records management (3 units)
BT 10   - Computer Applications II (3 units)
BT 33   - Social Media and Emerging Technologies (3 units)
BT 122 - Typing Skill Building (3 units)

Students will complete 31.5 units of completion for this certificate or a total of $1,449 in tuition costs. Financial Aid, if available to the student, can cover tuition.

Textbook costs for this certificate are estimated to be $787.50

Required Fees:

  • Health fee ($21 per semester, $13 if off campus/online per semester)
  • Associated Student Body fee ($2 per semester, but opportunity to waive the fee at the time of registration if the student so chooses) 
  • Material fees ($155 for the certificate, effective Fall 2022)

Optional fees:

  • Parking pass ($30 per semester) 
  • Student ID card ($5) 

A student can pay in one or a combination of ways: directly using a credit card, through a grant, or with a scholarship or fee waiver through partner programs.

The Office Professional certificate has the potential for entry-level to mid-level job placement/advancement in any size office setting. A resource for investigating jobs in an office setting, visit:  

There are some private colleges that may award elective credit but these are not transferable to any CSU or UC for major credit or GE.

The Office Professional certificate is a “stackable” certificate meaning that your successful completion of this certificate (F.2363.CN) can be used to apply for The Office Professional: One Person Office (F.2064.CA) and the Office Professional: One Person Office Associate Degree (F.2064.AS) but adding General Education.

There are some private colleges that may award elective credit, but these are not transferable to any CSU or UC for major credit or GE.

This Computer Aided Manufacturing program uses the same registration system as all California Community Colleges. A student must apply through CCCApply, if not already a California Community College student, in order to receive a student identification number. Once you have a student identification number, we can arrange for a counselor appointment to discuss the program and/or assist with registration through WebAdvisor.

For more assistance with applying to 麻豆传媒, please access one or more of the resources below:

Initial Steps

If you are a first-time student, transfer student, high school student, graduating senior, or returning student, and would like to apply to become a 麻豆传媒 student, start the with the application, portal and email, orientation, advising, financial aid, and registration.  Or feel free to join a and find out more.

First Year Experience (FYE)

Mondays and Tuesdays 3-4 p.m. (Office Hours)

For First Year Experience

If you are a first-time student in California Community College system and would like to find out more about how to get started at 麻豆传媒 with the support in a cohort, feel free to join an Office Hour and find out more.

Extreme Registration Every Wednesday (Virtual)

June 22nd through June 27th 



Extreme Registration (In-Person)

July 29th 2:00-7:00

July 30th 9:00-2:00

For Extreme Registration, here is the link (will be updated later in Summer 2022):

If you are interested in dropping in for some academic counseling support, have registration questions, need financial aid assistance, or have questions about fees and payment, please join in one of the Extreme Registration activities listed above, or call 559-442-8226 during event hours to get placed in the queue or they can sign up through the virtual Kiosk. The Kiosk is closed until the day and time of the event.

The Office Professional certificate is designed to deliver 11 courses over two semesters.

There are no required industry exams.

The Office Professional certificate instructor(s) can assist with job placement opportunities. In the second semester you could choose to take a course, BT-19, for a paid or unpaid work experience to build your resume and begin working in your field of study.

FAQs about One-Person Office Certificate

  • Tuition for the California Community College system is $46 per unit. 
  • There are 14 units of completion for this certificate, or a total of $644 in tuition costs.
  • Financial Aid, if available and can cover tuition, and is available through application to the .

Book and unit costs for Certificate
Course / Book Book Cost Unit Cost
BT 5 - Business Communication Essentials $100.00 $138
BT 131 - College Accounting $114.75 $161
BT 31 - No Book $0 $69
BT 33 - Mind Tap Computing  $157.50 $138
BT 33 - Big Book of Apps $24.00 -
BT 132 - No Book $0 $138
Totals $396.25 $644

Required fees:
  • Health fee: $21 per semester, $13 if off campus/online per semester
  • Associate Student Body fee: $2

Optional fees:

  • Parking pass: $30 per semester
  • Student ID card: $5 per semester (includes FAX pass)

A student can pay in one or a combination of ways: directly using a credit card, through a grant (review our Financial Aid videos below for grant information), or with a scholarship or fee waiver through partner programs:

  • Financial Aid
  • Upward Mobility Pathways
    (also known as Reading and Beyond)
  • Workforce Connection
    (also known as Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board)
  • CalWORKs

The One Person Office certificate has the potential for entry-level to mid-level job placement/advancementin a small office setting or being self-employed. A potential resource for investigating jobs in an office setting is 

The One Person Office certificate is stackable towards an associate degree in Office Professional-One-Person Office EmphasisA stackable certificate means the certificate can be used to apply for additional related certificates and/or the Office Professional-One-Person Office Emphasis Aassociate Ddegree.

The stackable One Person Office Certificate can be used as valuable training. If cross training is not of interest, these courses are applicable to both Office Professional-One-Person Ooffice Emphasis Associate Degree, as well as transfer potential for CSU Fresno. When the student applies for a bachelor degree program, the 4-year institution of higher education would make the decision as to which courses are fully transferableble.

Consult with our Business Technologies career counselor in order to discuss these opportunities.

This certificate is a “stackable” certificate meaning that your successful completion of this certificate can be used to apply for additional related certificates and/or the associate degree.

The One Person Office certificate program uses the same registration systems as all California Community Colleges. A student must apply through CCCApply, if not already a California Community College student, in order to receive a student identification number. Once you have a student identification number, we can arrange for a counselor appointment to discuss the program and/or assist with registration through WebAdvisor.

The One Person Office certificate is designed to deliver five courses for a total of 14 units, over a period of 9 weeks for each course. In typical scheduling this can occur within one semester. Each cohort group of students will start and finish the semester together.

The One Person Office certificate does not have any third party industry certifications associated with the program.

The One Person Officer certificate instructor(s) can assist with job placement opportunities, or you can choose to take a BT-19 course for a paid or unpaid work experience to build your resume and begin working in your field of study.