FPCA Division Office

Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Division Office

Counselors are available to assist students with creating a Student Education Plan for a Degree or Certificate.


Monday - Friday 
8:00 am - 5:00 pm excluding Campus Holidays



Phone: 559.442.8260
Fax: 559.499.6044
Location: OAB-110 (Old Administration Building)

Attn: Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Division
1101 E University Avenue
Fresno, CA 93741

Administration, Staff and Faculty

Administration and Staff

If you would like more information about any of the Fine Performing and Communication Arts departments feel free to contact the division's office.

Administration and Staff

FPCA Faculty

If you would like more information about any of the departments in the Fine Performing and Communication Arts or a specific course feel free to contact our faculty.

Faculty directory