Child Development Permit Matrix

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing offers 6 permits, information can be found at .  For further assistance contact the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, , or speak with an FCC Child Development Instructor.

Each permit has different requirements depending on the level of authorization. The units earned for one permit level can be used to move up the permit matrix towards the next level.

Option 1: 6 units of Early Childhood Education (ECE) or Child Development (CD) None Option 2: Accredited HERO program (including ROP); or
Option 3: CCTC approved training.
Assist in the instruction of children under supervision of Associate Teacher or above. 105 hours of professional growth.
Associate Teacher Option 1: 12 units ECE/CD including core courses** 50 days of 3+ hours per day within 2 years Option 2: Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential May provide instruction and supervise Assistant. Must meet teacher requirements within 10 years.
Teacher Option 1: 24 units ECE/CD including core courses**
plus 16 General Education (GE) units*
175 days of 3+ hours per day within 4 years Option 2: AA or higher in ECE or related field with 3 semester units supervised field experience in ECE setting May provide instruction and supervise all above (including Aide). 105 hours of professional growth
Master Teacher Option 1: 24 units ECE/CD including core courses**
plus 16 GE units*
plus 6 specialization units
plus 2 adult supervision units
350 days of 3+ hours per day within 4 years Option 2: BA or higher with 12 units of ECE plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting; or May provide instruction and supervise all above (including Aide).
May also serve as coordinator of curriculum and staff development.
105 hours of professional growth.
Site Supervisor Option 1: AA (or 60 units) with 24 ECE/CD units including core courses**
plus 6 units administration
plus 2 units adult supervision
350 days of 3+ hours per day within 4 years including at least 100 days of supervising adults Option 2: BA or higher with 12 units of ECE, plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting; or
Option 3: Admin. credential *** with 12 units of ECE, plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting or
Option 4: Teaching credential**** with 12 units of ECE, plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting
May supervise single site program, provide instruction, and serve as coordinator of curriculum and staff development. 105 hours of professional growth.
Program Director Option 1: BA with 24 ECE/CD units including core courses**
plus 6 units administration;
plus 2 units adult supervision
Site supervisor status and one program year of site supervisor experience. Option 2: Admin, credential *** with 12 units of ECE, plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting or
Option 3: Teaching credential**** with 12 units of ECE plus 3 units supervised field experience in ECE setting, plus 6 units administration; or
Option 4: Master's Degree in ECE or Child/Human Development
May supervise multiple-site program, provide instruction, and serve as coordinator of curriculum and staff development. 105 hours of professional growth.

* One course in each of four general education categories, which meet graduation requirements: English/Language Arts; Math or Science; Social Sciences; Humanities and/or Fine Arts
** Core courses - Child/human growth & development; child/family/community or child and family relations; and programs/curriculum
*** Holders of the Administrative Services Credential may serve as a Site Supervisor or Program Director.
****A valid Multiple Subject or a Single Subject in Home Economics

All course work must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Permit Matrix