Fee Payments for Tuition or Transcripts

Fees may be paid online, by phone, in person or by mail. It is possible to pay using either credit card, personal check, money order, or cashier's check. 

Fee Payments for Tuition

Fees are due based on when you register in each class; please refer to the Fee Payment Schedule for your payment deadlines. Fees not received on time may result in a drop of enrolled classes.

In Person

The Business Office is open M-F 8 am to 5 pm to take in person payments. 


Self Service (access through MyPortal) Log into your account; Financial Information tab; Student Finance tab; then "Make a Payment". (Do not use for transcript payments. See link below for transcript payments)


To make Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover payments call 559.489.2234. Please log into your "My Portal" and make credit card payments online 24/7. 


If mailing fees, payment should be addressed to:

Attn: Business Office
1101 East University Avenue
Fresno, CA 93741

Please be sure to write your student ID number on your check or money order. Allow enough time for payments to reach the college prior to the due date. The college assumes no responsibility for delays caused by the U.S. Postal Service. Postmarks will not be honored.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are accepted for fee payment. All campus processes must be followed when requesting a refund of fees paid by credit card. Details may be found here Fee Reversals and Refunds. Any credit card disputes filed for valid charges will be assessed a $25 service charge. 

Personal Checks

All personal checks must be imprinted with the name of the account holder. Postdated and two-party checks will not be accepted. Please write your student ID number on the front of the check.

Students whose checks are returned by the bank marked "insufficient funds," "stop payments," "account closed," "refer to maker," etc., will be assessed a $25 service charge. Returned checks can be cleared at the campus cashier's window with a money order, cashier's check, credit card or cash. Personal checks will not be accepted to clear returned checks.

If fees are not paid within 30 days of the date of the Non-Sufficient Funds notice, your account will be forwarded to a collection agency, where three times the face value of the check may be charged.

Fee Payments for Transcripts

To order transcripts please use the online