Graphic Communications

The application of current software and hands-on project work prepares you for entry-level positions in media related industries. Upon developing a wide set of skills, you can find employment in a technical position dealing with graphic design, web design, video production, or within the print industry. You will also have the opportunity to take an Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) course to obtain industry certifications.

     student video production in the green room studio

     collaborative project work in the Graphic Communications program

     student recording and editing audio in the sound room

     students working in the Macintosh and Windows computer labs


Graphic Communications Overview (1:37)



Join Now

To learn more about the Graphic Communications program and courses, contact an Applied Technology counselor. 

Call 559.442.8273 or with our Tech & Trades Pathway counselors.

Counselors are available in the Applied Technology Division Office to assist students with creating a Student Education Plan for an Graphic Communications Degree or Certificate.

Courses and Information

To see recommended courses, see the Catalog.  To see upcoming scheduled classes, see the Schedule of Classes



Tuition for the California Community College system is $46 per unit.

A student will have the option of choosing one out of six certificates available within the Graphic Communications (GRC) program:

       1.  Graphic Design - Major #8507 - Certificate of Achievement

                 a.  Courses include:
                       i.  BA-38           Operation of the Small Business or                  3.0 units
                           BA-52           Intro to Entrepreneurship
                      ii.  GRC-15        Web Design                                                              4.0 units
                     iii.  GRC-17        Adobe Illustrator                                                     3.0 units
                     iv.  GRC-20A      Intro to Applied Graphics - Adobe Tools         3.0 units
                      v.  GRC-20B      Intro to Applied Graphics - Media                     3.0 units
                     vi.  GRC-30        Adobe InDesign / Professional Publishing      3.0 units
                    vii.  GRC-31        Intermediate Photoshop                                      3.0 units
                   viii.  GRC-39A     Introduction to Graphic Design                          3.0 units
                     ix.  GRC-40A     Intermediate Graphic Design                              3.0 units
                      x.  GRC-55        Social Media                                                             2.0 units
Students will need 30 units of completion for this certificate, or a total of $1,380 in tuition costs.                      

       5.  Social Media Content Design - Major #8513 - Certificate of Achievement

                 a.  Courses include:
                       i.  BA-5             Workplace Communication                                 3.0 units
                      ii.  BA-52           Introduction to Entrepreneurship                    3.0 units
                     iii.  GRC-27        Digital Video Production                                      3.0 units
                     iv.  GRC-51        Storyboarding                                                          1.0 unit
                      v.  GRC-55        Social Media Design                                               2.0 units
                     vi.  MKTG-21    Digital Marketing                                                    3.0 units
                   viii.  Photo-14    Photography for Social Media                            3.0 units
Students will need 18 units of completion for this certificate, or a total of $828 in tuition costs.

            6.  Video Production - Major #8511 - Certificate of Achievement

                 a.  Courses include:
                       i.  ENGL-15C    Creative Writing: Playwriting, or
                           FILM-7          Introduction to Screenwriting, or
                           JOURN-3     Newswriting                                                             3.0 units 
                      ii.  GRC-22         Digital Media                                                           3.0 units
                     iii.  GRC-23         Video Editing - Adobe Premiere Pro                3.0 units
                     iv.  GRC-27         Digital Video Production                                     3.0 units
                      v.  GRC-31         Intermediate Photoshop                                     3.0 units
                     vi.  GRC-32        Cinematography                                                     3.0 units
                    vii.  GRC-38         Video Post Production                                         2.0 units
                   viii.  GRC-47         Introduction to Media Appreciation                3.0 units
                     ix.  GRC-51        Storyboarding                                                          1.0 unit
                      x.  GRC-53        Adobe After Effects                                               3.0 units
                     xi.  GRC-55        Social Media Design                                               2.0 units
                    xii.  MUS-8          Audio Engineering                                                 3.0 units
                   xiii.  PHOTO-26  Lighting Principles                                                 3.0 units
                   xiv.  PHOTO-67  Intro to Drone Aerial Multimedia                      0.5 units
Students will need 35 units of completion for this certificate, or a total of $1610 in tuition costs.


Financial Aid, if available to the student, can cover tuition.  Review our Financial Aid website for further information.

There are required textbooks for this program, along with recommended textbooks that are a good reference as well as some free” open educational resources” required for some courses.

1.  Graphic Design:  $260.98

a.  BA-52:

$37.00 Business Model Generation, ISBN:9780470876411

$29.00 Lean Startup, ISBN: 9780307887894

$35.00 Value Proposition Design, ISBN: 9780470876411 (FCC Bookstore)

b.  GRC 15: No Textbook

c.  GRC-17: No Textbook

d.  GRC-20A: No Textbook

e.  GRC-20B: No Textbook

f.  GRC-30: No Textbook

g.  GRC-31: No Textbook

h.  GRC-39A: No Textbook

i.  GRC-40A: No Textbook

j.  GRC-55: No Textbook



5.  Social Media Content Design:

a.  BA-5:

$28.25 (digital) Business Communication Skills for Managers (Waymaker Bundle), ISBN: 9781640872288 (FCC Bookstore)

b.  BA-52:

$92.00 (digital) Entrepreneurial Small Business (RRMCG), Sixth edition, ISBN: 9781260260540, (FCC Bookstore)

c.  GRC-27: No Textbook

d.  GRC-51: No Textbook

e.  GRC-55: No Textbook

f.  MKTG-21:

$140.00 (digital) MindTap Marketing, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Zahay-Roberts’ Internet Marketing, Fourth edition, ISBN: 9781337106764 (FCC Bookstore)

g.  PHOTO-14:

$24.99 Hashtag Authentic, ISBN:9781911127611 (FCCBookstore)

6.  Video Production:

a.  ENGL-15C:  TBD

b.  GRC-22: No Textbook

c.  GRC-23: No Textbook

d.  GRC-27: No Textbook

e.  GRC-31: No Textbook

f.  GRC-32: No Textbook

g.  GRC-38: No Textbook

h.  GRC-47: No Textbook

i.  GRC-51: No Textbook

j.  GRC-53: No Textbook

k.  GRC-55: No Textbook

l.  MUS-8:

$52.00 Pro Tools 101: Pro Tools Fundamentals 1- v12.8, ISBN: 9781943446476 (FCC Bookstore)

m.  PHOTO-26:

$25.00 ABCs of Beautiful Light: A Complete Course in Lighting for Photographers, ISBN: 9781608957170 (FCC Bookstore)

n.  PHOTO-67:

$24.00 (Kindle) / $28.00 The Photographer's Guide to Drones, ISBN: 9781681981147 (


A.  Required Fees:

  • Health fee ($21 per semester, $13 if off campus/online per semester)
  • Associated Student Body fee ($2 per semester, but opportunity to waive the fee at time of registration if the student so chooses)

     Optional fees:

  • Parking pass ($30 per semester)
    • Fall 2022 semester:  Parking is waived
    • Spring 2023 semester:  Parking is waived
  • Student ID Card ($5) 

B.  Some courses require additional materials fee for the following courses:

Some courses require additional materials that will be required or recommended. Instructors will review and demonstrate examples of supplies during the first week of class to ensure that you are successful in the program.

Graphic Communication Courses:

$12.95 - 16 GB flash drive

Estimated cost for materials:  $12.95


C.  Vendor Recommendations:

Each Graphic Communications certificate requires all students to have their materials prepared and purchased by the second week of classes. The following vendors are some examples where students may be able to purchase materials.


D.  Technology Requirements:

  • A laptop or Desktop (16 GB and 500 GB storage) with Windows 10 Operating Systems:
    • Windows:  10
    • Mac:  MacOS 10.12 and above, must be able to run Windows 10 or above
    • iOS:  11.0 and above (iPad only).  Must have a compatible LMS integration
    • 1TB SSD (minimum)
  • Memory:
    • Windows:  75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
    • Mac:  120 MB permanent space on the hard drive
  • Additional Equipment:
    • High Speed Internet
    • Mouse with mouse wheel
    • A cloud-based file storage platform, such as iCloud, Google Drive, DropBox, Lumion, Photoshop 

* The Graphics Communications department offers the opportunity for students to use the computer lab or at the Fresno City library.  Students can also check out a laptop if available.  For additional information and hours of operations.

A student can pay in one or a combination of ways:

  • Pay in person:  Fee Payments or Tuition, Business office Holds, Refunds/Fee Reversals, Financial Aid Payments/Repayments, Billing, Parking Permits
  • Business Office:  Location OAB 151A (Old Administration Building)
  • Pay online (directly using a credit card):  You may pay online in Self-Service or follow the steps about making a payment.
  • through a grant (review our Financial Aid website for grant information)
  • or with a scholarship or fee waiver through partner programs such as California's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) which provides employment training resources for adults and dislocated workers. 

The Graphic Communications certificates have the potential for entry-level to advanced skill sets in graphic communications, design, and production. Completion of the curriculum will provide entry-level skills and a general understanding of production techniques in web and graphic design. Students will work on projects from conception through output in print or internet publishing, as well as interactive digital media and digital video productions and re-purposing work for distribution. A potential resource for investigating jobs in the Graphic Communications field is:  or .

Yes! The Graphic Communications certificate is stackable — the units count —toward an associate degree in Graphic Design can be used as undergraduate coursework toward the transferring to a 4-year institution of higher education.

Every 4-year college accepts coursework differently, however, if a student would like to complete the associates degree at 麻豆传媒 along with the general education to successfully transfer to a 4-year institution of choice.

The Graphic Communications certificate is a “stackable” certificate meaning that your successful completion of this certificate can be used to apply for additional certificates and/or the associate degree.

The Graphic Communications certificate is a “stackable” certificate meaning that your successful completion of this certificate can be used as valuable training in conjunction with other visual media certificates. When the student applies for a bachelor’s degree program, the 4-year institution of higher education would make the decision as to which courses are fully transferable. Consult with a college counselor to discuss these opportunities.

This Graphic Communications program uses the same registration system as all California Community Colleges. A student must apply through CCCApply, if not already a California Community College student, in order to receive a student identification number. Once you have a student identification number, we can arrange for a counselor appointment to discuss the program and/or assist with registration through Self Service.

For more assistance with applying to 麻豆传媒, please access one or more of the resources below:

Initial Steps

Information to FCC Apply Now (Admissions & Aid)

If you are a first-time student, transfer student, high school student, graduating senior, or returning student, and would like to apply to become a 麻豆传媒 student, start the enrollment process with the application, portal and email, orientation, advising, financial aid, and registration. Or feel free to join a and find out more.

Extreme Registration (In person):

January 3rd, 2023: 1pm-6pm at 麻豆传媒 Library

January 4th, 2023: 1pm-6pm at 麻豆传媒 Library

For Extreme Registration

If you are interested in dropping in for some academic counseling support, have registration questions, need financial aid assistance, or have questions about fees and payment, please join in one of the Extreme Registration activities listed above, or call 559-442-8226 during event hours to get placed in the queue or they can sign up through the virtual Kiosk. The Kiosk is closed until the day and time of the event.

RAM Ready

January 3rd, 2023: Virtual

January 4th, 2023: Virtual

RAM Ready is our New Student Welcome event designed to help students navigate their first week and semester of college. The virtual experience will consist of presentations, campus tours, information about on campus resources available for students.

If you have any questions about Ram Ready, please contact the College Relations Office by phone at 559.442.8225 or email at and use the subject line “Ram Ready Question”. You can also visit the website to get further information.

New Student Registration Resources

Link for New Student Registration Resources

FCC offers live assistance on Zoom to assist students in filling out the online application, logging into the Student Portal, accessing Canvas and Self-Service, and more. Use the link below to view available support times and register to attend a live workshop.

Student Services

For additional support and guidance about starting at Fresno City college you may visit or contact the Student Services office. The office supports campus wide efforts to improve service delivery, communication, collaboration and the social/personal development of students within the division and the campus as a whole.

Please visit the website to discover the additional student services that are available to support you as a student.

Each Graphic Communication certificate is designed to deliver 4-5 courses for a total of 12- 15 units, over a period of eighteen weeks for each course. Typical this can occur over a two- semester period.

The Adobe ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) certification is available through successfully completing the GRC-300A course.

The Graphic Communication certificate instructor(s) can assist with job placement opportunities. In the second semester you could choose to take a course, AT-19, for a paid or unpaid work experience to build your resume and begin working in your field of study.