Institutional Research

The mission of the Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness office is to promote and facilitate an equity minded culture of evidence and inquiry in which accurate, useable, useful, and actionable data and information provide the basis for data-informed decisions to improve student learning and institutional effectiveness.

As a part of  college-wide  planning, the  Office of  Institutional  Research, Planning, and Effectiveness  in collaboration with the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Committee  developed  the  following  student-focused  Research  Agenda.  The purpose of the Research Agenda is to  identify  research  which  provides  relevant  data  that support s college  efforts to focus  on:  


FCC Research Agenda

  • The Research Agenda: 

    • is developed with an equity-minded framework, designed to ensure disaggregate data is used to inform decision making.  
    • utilizes the college guided pathways student journey focus - Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong
    • is aligned with integrated planning which includes the Educational Master Plan(Ed MP), Strategic Plan (SP), Student Equity Plan(SEP), Guided Pathways (GP), Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEM), Vision for Success(VfS),  (ISS), and 
    • identifies the question or issue to be addressed, research subjects, research design, data usage, and reporting cycle

FCC has identified effectiveness measures that indicate the college's standards for student achievement, or “Institutional Set Standards”. These measures of effectiveness will be used to inform decision making and assist in determining the focus of college efforts.

Office Information

Office Hours

8 am - 5 pm


OAB 228
