Drop-In Counseling
Same Day Appts are Available
We have additional counselors available to assist Pre-Allied Health majors on the following days:
Mondays 8:30 am to 4:00pm
Wednesdays 8:30 am to 4:00pm
Thursdays 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Drop-In services are available in-person or as a virtual call-back service.
In-Person: Counselors are available in multiple locations. You may check in at either the Student Services Building (ST-200) or Health Sciences Building (HS-1) or at "Counseling on the Green", Wednesdays, 10am-1pm in front of the Business Education Building.
Virtual: Call the main Counseling Department line at 559.442.8226, to be added to the Drop-In list to receive a phone call from a counselor. Students may also add themselves to the Virtual Drop-In list for same day counseling by clicking the button below.
Counseling Appointment
If you would like to make an appointment with a counselor from the Health & STEM Pathway please click the link below. When making your appointment please include a description of your reason for the appointment as well as which program(s) you would like to discuss with counselor. It is also recommended that you view the for more information about the majors within the division.