Dream Center Services

- Student Educational Plan
- Assistance with financial aid application
- California non-resident tuition exemption
- AB 540 & California Reclassification Questionnaire
- Internship and job opportunities
- Academic and personal counseling
- Volunteer opportunities
- FREE Immigration services
- Educational resources on-and-off campus
- Referrals as needed
Dream Act

The passage of AB130 and 131 laws allows students who meet AB540 criteria to apply for and receive non-state funded grants and/or scholarships to public colleges and universities. Specific requirements must be met by students to be eligible for the Board of Governors Waiver, Cal Grants and other grant programs.
Residency Requirements

AB540 & Reclassification
California state law requires that each student enrolled in or applying for admission to a California community college provide information and evidence to determine his/her residence classification for tuition purposes.