2017 Fall Flex Day

Friday, August 11, 2017

Flex programs will be provided to attendees at Convocation.


Breakfast, courtesy of President Goldsmith, will be provided in OAB 251 from 7:30-9:30 a.m.

Opening remarks by VPI Don Lopez at 8:00am in OAB 251

  • Session One: 8:30-9:30 AM
  • Session Two: 9:40-10:40 AM
  • Session Three: 10:50-11:50 AM
  • Session Four: 12:00-1:00 PM
  • Session Five: 1:10-2:10 PM
  • Session Six: 2:20-3:20

Open for Drop-In

Writing and Reading Center Open House

Tutorial Center 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Drop by the newly renovated WRC. Meet the coordinator, supporting faculty, and a few “Spidey” tutors. Find out more about the services we offer, including workshops (we can go to your class or send you a link to online resources), online tutoring, and the many classes in which we assist students such as biology, history, sociology, child development, and more! We also help with study skills, tests, note-taking, and any coursework related to reading or writing. Check out why the students who use our services perform significantly better than those who never step foot in the Center, and how you can help us spread the word.

Beginning Canvas 

LI-141 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Are you a new faculty member to Â鶹´«Ã½? Or perhaps you have decided to use Canvas for your face-to-face classes. Or maybe you have been assigned a hybrid or online class. Canvas is now the only Learning Management System on campus. Learn how to use it and how to use it well. Create and design your course within Canvas to make it easy and organized for you as well as for your students! There will be demonstrations on how to login in, how to access a course, how to upload a course syllabus, how to create a course outline in Modules, assignments, announcements, and quizzes, and how to create a Grade Book as well as demonstrate an understanding of the Attendance tool.

The maximum allowable flex credit for drop-in sessions in one hour each, regardless of the actual time spent in the session. Flex credit is not available for attendance less than 30-minutes.

You must sign in to receive credit for all flex sessions.

Most sessions are scheduled for one hour with a ten-minute passing period

** Indicates a session is more than one hour.

Program Review: A Method to the Madness 

Tabitha Villalba, Program Review Coordinator

Program Review is central to planning and occurs every five years for instructional programs. It goes far beyond a check-off for accreditation, but it can be a daunting task if you’re not prepared. Attend this session to find out what the expectations are for a program review, how to find (or request) data for your program, understand the relationships between curriculum, outcomes, and planning, and why this reflective analysis is important to keep a program healthy. Let’s talk about how we, as faculty, can use this process to our benefit!

Title V Cooperative Grant: Campus Update

David Childers, Office of Instruction

The district’s Title V Cooperative Grant is nearing the end of project year two. Find out the latest on the statewide technology initiatives and other grant activities and future plans. We will discuss the Student and Staff Portal, Online Education Initiative, Common Assessment Initiative, Educational Planning Initiative, and other key initiatives that will affect the entire campus.

Scanvenger Hunt - Resources available to Students**

Julie Lynes, Counselor

This walking scavenger hunt will identify and explain many of the student success resources available on the FCC campus. Depending on the number of faculty participating, faculty will be divided into teams. Each team will be given a different initial clue that will require them to visit a specific resource such as the Tutorial Center, Psychological Services, etc. The clues will identify information related to the resources and services offered in the area. Faculty must physically visit the resource area in order to obtain the next clue. A small prize will be provided to the team that completes the scavenger hunt first.
This session has a maximum capacity of 50 participants.

LGBTQ Cultural Competency Training**

Jerry Thurston, Communication Arts Instructor

This is a two-hour awareness training covering terminology and strategies for being an effective ally and first point of contact for LGBTQ students, staff, faculty, and administrators. All participants completing the training will receive (A) a Safe Space Ally sticker to display at their office space visually identifying them as a trained LGBTQ ally, and (B) a resources pamphlet for reference when an LGBTQ person seeks them out for help or information. This training is designed to advance equity, justice, and inclusion in and out of the classroom for some of our most at-risk campus community members.

Learn by Doing Physical Fitness Clinic

Gary Bluth, Physical Education Instructor

Bring your workout clothes and learn how to properly use the strength training equipment in Gym 103. Try a brief spin session and perform various floor-related core exercises. Take the challenge and start a new, more physically active lifestyle, an essential ingredient to maximize physical, mental, and emotional well-being! (Exercise mats & towels provided)

Murphy's Law: What to do when the worst happens

Darren Cousineau & Elizabeth Tucker, Environmental Health & Safety

Engage on an adventure to develop and build emergency evacuation and response skills that will protect you when the worst happens. This session will include campus policies and procedures that have been implemented to protect and prepare employees for emergency situations. It will also highlight campus resources to help in preparation for almost any emergency situation.

Faculty Involvement in Dual Enrollment

Don Lopez, VPI; Victoria Martinez, Dual Enrollment Coordinator

Dual enrollment has grown significantly and, as of spring 2017, includes more than 26 local charter and high schools. Over 1,500 students are currently enrolled in college courses, primarily in CTE disciplines. In this workshop, we will highlight the vital role of FCC faculty participation, the protocols we must follow to approve and evaluate dual enrollment instructors, and the way faculty can collaborate and advocate for this exciting and empowering program. Discover how dual enrollment not only helps our local high school students get a jump on college but also its potential to grow your program.

5-Minute Revolutions in the Classroom

Jodie Steeley, Distance Education; Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction

This session explores the strategies from James Lang’s book Small Changes in Teaching: five minutes in prep before class, five minutes at the beginning of class, five minutes during class, and the last five minutes of class. Attendees will learn simple, short strategies in pedagogy for course design, classroom practices, and communication between the professor and student and student peer instruction. Give your students strategies to work with discipline-based information and find meaningful ways to integrate what they’ve learned in class. Participants will be encouraged to discuss and share their own best practices with others. These pedagogical applications can be applied both face-to-face and online.

DSP&S: Accommodations & Adaptive Equipment

Ryan Blodgett, Pam Tibbet, Leslie Silva, DSP&S

Information about DSP&S accommodations and adaptive equipment will be explained including how they support student success. Requesting DSP&S paperwork before providing accommodations protects the campus from creating a history of providing services that are not warranted via medical verification and protocol. The increase in campus awareness of accommodations and specialized adaptive equipment can assist with student success and accessibility.

Instructor/Counselor Collaboration for Student Success & Equity**

Facilitators: Carol Rains-Heisdorf, IRE; Lori Natal, Counseling; and Ray Ramirez, Student Equity Coordinator

Presenters: Nick Lucio & Bruce Hill; Rodney Murphy & Ria Williams; Lori Botelho & Karen Dancey; David Shoemaker & Nell Papavasiliou; Evie Contreras & Early Alert Faculty

The first session will be a panel discussion that will provide the opportunity for attendees to learn how instructional and counseling faculty collaborate to support student success. The panelists will present how they have worked together on projects related to guided pathways, special programs, and Early Alert System.
In the second session, attendees can ask questions and participate in an equity-minded activity to brainstorm and consider the next steps to engage in a faculty/counselor project.

Murphy's Law: What to do when the worst happens

Darren Cousineau & Elizabeth Tucker, Environmental Health & Safety

Engage on an adventure to develop and build emergency evacuation and response skills that will protect you when the worst happens. This session will include campus policies and procedures that have been implemented to protect and prepare employees for emergency situations. It will also highlight campus resources to help in preparation for almost any emergency situation.

Travel and Conference Ins and Outs for Faculty

Raquel Ochs, Child Development; Elizabeth Crooks, Health Services; Gerri Santos, Counseling;
Julie Dana, Music

Do you have a conference or workshop you would like to attend in order to improve your teaching and stay current in your field? Many faculty are unaware that Academic Senate T & C funding is available to cover registration fees, meals, and transportation expenses. Join us as we walk through T &C forms and procedures. It’s easier to apply than you realize!

Tools for Delivering Content & Assessments 

Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction

We will look at several cloud-based tools: Jeopardy Lab, Graphing Stories, Glogster, GIMP, Canva, and digital flash card apps to help with content delivery, formative assessments, and more authentic assessment options. These tools can deliver course content as well as allow students to show their knowledge of the material by way of authentic assessment pieces. Each of the tools covered will provide innovative ways to deliver content and create formative assessments. Jeopardy Lab is an interactive, game-based formative assessment tool. Graphing Stories allows for real world examples of graphing in multiple formats. Glogster is a multimedia poster creation tool. GIMP is a free replacement for Photoshop. Canva is an infographic.


John Cho, Cultural/Women’s Studies

Learn some basic concepts and techniques to counter and protect yourself from an attacker who is throwing punches. You will learn how to deflect or negate punches thrown by an attacker and how to strike the attacker, thereby allowing you to escape. A modicum of self-defense skills should enhance the confidence of a person!

DSP&S Testing OAB 130

Cindy DeSutter & Maria Wiget, DSP&S

DSP&S testing has specific protocols. Come learn the hows, whats, and whys. What are the students’ responsibilities? What are the instructors’ responsibilities? How does one accommodate students? Why is it important?

Curriculum Training**

Diane DeFreitas, Curriculum Chair; Kelli O’Rourke, Curriculum Analyst

Faculty must be familiar with the curriculum software in order to revise or create new courses and programs. This is a hands-on workshop to introduce the online curriculum process. Recommended for faculty developing and modifying courses, programs, distance education addenda, five-year review, and other curriculum matters.

Professional Learning Network

Candace Robertson, PLN Training, Outreach and Promotion Coordinator and Andrea Chatwood, PLN Online Content Manager

In this session, faculty and staff will be introduced to the Professional Learning Network (PLN), a free, one-stop site for all professional development and resource needs. Provided by the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI), under the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the PLN offers thousands of online trainings from Lynda.com, Grovo, and Skillsoft, as well as hundreds of resources shared by community colleges throughout California. Communicate and collaborate with your peers across the system on shared best practice\s to ensure student success for all! Go to https://prolearningnetwork.cccco.edu to register for your free account.

OER: Open Educational Resources Costs & Quality

David Childers & Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction; Jodie Steeley, Distance Education

According to CaliforniaCollege.edu, in 2016, textbooks cost students $600 more than full time tuition. Starting in January 2018, college class schedules will indicate if a course uses OER or cost-based textbooks. What about quality? An FCC student survey of the impact of textbook costs on their education, along with price comparisons from our own bookstore, will be presented for thought-provoking conversation. Samples of low-cost textbooks will be available to examine and links to a treasure trove of peer-reviewed text materials and support assessments will be shared. This session will include feedback from FCC instructors who have adopted OER materials.

Using Multiple Measures to Improve Student Success

Julie Preston-Smith, Counseling; Rebecca Benas, English; Alex Adams, Institutional Research; Matt Woods, Math

This past year, FCC implemented the use of additional multiple measures to place students into math and English classes. Learn about the placement models developed in response to the data from the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) and how improving student placements can decrease inequities in students‘ success and completion rates. Instructors, counselors, and coordinators can contribute to the discussion and understand the complete picture of student ability that has not been measured as effectively with traditional standardized testing processes. Using Multiple Measures for placement requires student services and instructional faculty to work together with administrators and assessment center staff to develop models and implementation strategies, coming together to determine what best can help improve student success and completion rates.

ETC: Student Success Beyond the Classroom

Ruby Sangha, ETC Coordinator

Academic support services such as Supplemental Instruction (SI) have been recognized as high-impact practices that provide a positive learning environment, enhance course content understanding and generate a sense of belonging among student participants. Â鶹´«Ã½’s Extending the Class (ETC) program is no different. Through this workshop, the ETC coordinator and team of ETC mentors will share the unique characteristics of this program, while also providing insight on the various techniques and strategies implemented by ETC leaders to achieve optimal student learning. Presenters will showcase the most recent data dashboards created by Institutional Research, which display the effectiveness of ETC services within various disciplines and a diverse student population across newly constructed ETC attendance categories.

Integrating Student Success Programs

Donna Cooper, Basic Skills; Alex Adams, Institutional Research; Julie Preston-Smith, Counseling; Ray Ramirez, Student Equity

Join the coordinators for the Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success and Support Programs (SSSP), along with Institutional Research to learn how these programs are being integrated to increase student success and equity at Â鶹´«Ã½. The session will include an overview of previous accomplishments and future plans including new requirements from the State Chancellor. The three coordinators for these programs will discuss previous accomplishments, while talking about plans for future integration to increase student success and equity at Â鶹´«Ã½.

Supporting Equity with EASe

Jennifer Dorian, Shushanek Silvas, Nicolas Quintana, PASS

EASe, an acronym for Empathy, Awareness, and Sensitivity for Equity, is a concept that can be applied throughout higher education by classified professionals, faculty, administration, and student aides alike. As the notion of student equity becomes an integral focus on college campuses, the need to understand how to create equity and honor our students has become pressing. EASe turns equity into concrete thoughts, words, and actions so that everyone can work towards equity by eradicating the ambiguity that is so often tied to new initiatives. Faculty will learn practices to support student equity through EASe and share these findings with others in their divisions. Learn a new way to interpret equity by providing real-life applications to empower you in and out of the classroom. These applications are supported by research and present a new way of making equity real rather than just another word.

Proctoring Online Exams with Proctorio

Jon Wilson & Jodie Steeley, Distance Education

Many faculty struggle with the idea of online testing and cheating. Using Proctorio, instructors now have the ability to monitor online exams given through Canvas. This web system can be set up to identify 20 different “signs” of cheating and plagiarism while test-taking through a webcam. Faculty who have used Proctorio will share first-hand challenges and benefits of this online proctoring tool that integrates with Canvas.

Student Engagement Faculty Panel 

Donna Cooper, Basic Skills; Daniel Caeton, English; Marianne Dunklin, Business; Kellen Prandini, Anthropology; Rio Waller, Business; Travis McDonald, Math; and Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy

Research indicates that students are not always fully engaged in the content of the courses they are taking. This lack of engagement leads to poor course completion rates and decreased retention. In this session, a panel of instructors, recommended by students, will share their tips and ideas on strategies to engage students in the course content in the first three weeks of the semester. Attendees will gain knowledge of innovative practices and activities as well as have an opportunity to discuss with colleagues their own techniques for engaging students in their curriculum. Come hear about innovative teaching and classroom strategies that have been proven successful by your colleagues.

Assisting the Distressed Student

Guadalupe Vasquez, Psychological Services; Jarah Vaught, Psychological Intern

Students learn much more than academics in college; they learn about life as well as about themselves. Inevitably, some students will face difficulties and may struggle during this process. We have the opportunity to contribute to their self-development through our willingness to notice and respond to their difficulties in a supportive and helpful fashion. This presentation will provide concrete advice on how to aid emotionally distressed students and will offer steps on how to refer them for help. By offering assistance, students learn that problems are best resolved by directly addressing them and that hiding distress unnecessarily reduces the quality of life.

Building Better Digital Presentations

David Childers, Office of Instruction

Whether you use PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, or any of the many choices for bringing multimedia into your classroom, you may be looking for tips on how to make your presentations more engaging. Learn planning, design and delivery strategies as well as other digital alternatives to the tried and true slide-based presentation tools. Please feel free to bring your own device. The session will both improve the attendees’ existing presentation design skills, and expose them to other technology tools that might be suitable additions or alternatives to their instructional tool belt.

Introducing SCIP: State Center Integrated Procurement

Randy Vogt, Christy Hedstron, Glynna Billings; District Office Accounting

Skip the paper process. SCIP is designed to mimic online retailers: you shop, add items to a cart, and checkout. Come learn how you can select the items you need and then pass your cart to your department for checkout. B&H Photo, Fisher Scientific, and Office Depot are a few of the supplier catalogs that are available online, preset with the district’s negotiated contract pricing.