Campus Message: October, 2017
Office of the President
Dear College Community,
On Thursday, November 9th there will be two open forums for Accreditation at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in OAB 251. Please add this forum to your calendar. This will be an opportunity for all faculty, staff and students to provide feedback and ask questions about the Institutional Self
Evaluation Report (ISER). In addition, the Institutional Research and Effectiveness Committee (IRE) will present a status update on the Core Nine Institutional Set Standards.
Almost all Standards are posted, and the rest should be posted by the end of this week. The ISER goes to the Board of Trustees for first read on October 30, so please participate in the Open Forums to provide your feedback. Please also choose one Standard and read it!
Please send any feedback to Cyndie Luna, Accreditation Liaison Officer at
Thank you,
Dr. Carole Goldsmith, President

Phone: (559) 489-2212