

Message from the President: February 23, 2023

Feb 23, 2023 —

Good Morning Colleagues,

During the past few months we have experienced significant weather events which have brought much needed rain; however, we have also experienced somewhat less welcomed high windstorms, which have affected our campus landscape with downed trees and branches.  During the high wind storm this week a large pine tree was uprooted near the T500 building which caused minor damage to property but most importantly, no one was hurt. 

Unfortunately, this downed tree was not an isolated case and is the third tree to come down in recent months.  We have been carefully monitoring our trees over the last several years of the drought. Drought causes our trees to stress, which can cause damage to their roots. Unfortunately, in some cases trees cannot sustain a prolonged drought. Due to the recent drought, combined with heavy rainfall, our trees are more vulnerable to falling.

The recent storm provided us an opportunity to further evaluate our trees around the main campus where it was noted that several other trees appeared to be at risk. District and campus personnel, along with a tree maintenance and removal contractor, surveyed the campus and identified trees that have the potential to cause damage to life and property. The identified trees will be removed shortly and replaced soon after.

The team also identified trees that are in of trimming, which will also be addressed.  Removal of trees is always a difficult decision, as trees not only beautify the campus but provide shade and character to our campus. We are determined to continue to be a large green space in our community, thus, we have partnered with Tree Fresno to assist us in replacing the removed trees with new ones and placing these new trees in locations away from buildings and a better spot for tree growth.

I would like to thank Building Services, Chief Flores and the SCCCD Police Department for their quick response to the uprooted tree we had on Tuesday.  Their immediate actions allowed us to take care of this tree without anyone being hurt and minimal damage to property.   


Dr. Robert Pimentel

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