Virtual Forum: November 13, 2020
Please join President Carole Goldsmith today at 12:00 p.m. for a virtual forum that will focus on updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Fresno County and the California color rating system from Darren Cousineau, District Director, Environmental Health & Safety.
Also joining Dr. Goldsmith will be Don Lopez, Vice President of Instruction, Dr. Lataria Hall, Vice President of Student Services, Omar Gutierrez, Vice President of Administrative Services and Dr. Robert Pimentel, Vice President of Educational Services & Institutional Effectiveness who will provide new information regarding the new protocols for faculty and staff requesting permission to enter the campus.
Dr. Samuel A. Montano, FCC Psychological Services Coordinator will share information on the Healing Circles zoom meetings for students that are scheduled for the fall and into the spring semester.
Emilee Slater, Director of College Relations and Outreach along with Mikki Johnson, Director of Financial Aid will be sharing their plans for assisting students registering for the spring semester.
All faculty, students and staff are welcome to this virtual forum.