Student Petitions

You may petition for adjustments to your academic record. Please review the types of possible adjustments listed below.

Removes Grades From Your GPA Without Earning A Better Grade

When you request we remove a grade or grades from your record, the process called Academic Renewal Without Repetition or Alleviation begins. If approved, the grade(s) are not actually removed from the transcript. Instead they are bracketed, and a note code is added that indicates alleviation. The grade(s) are not included the student's grade point average (GPA).

Requirements to qualify for Academic Renewal Without Repetition include:

  1. You are pursuing an established program (associate degree or certificate program) within SCCCD.
  2. You are enrolled and attending the current term within SCCCD (see note below).
  3. A period of at least two (2) years has elapsed since the work to be alleviated was recorded.
  4. GPA requirement is met:
    • Most recent 12 units completed with GPA of 3.0, or
    • Most recent 24 units completed with GPA of 2.5, or
    • Degree or certificate is posted to the student's transcript.

Academic Renewal Without Repetition Petition

Note: You must continue your current enrollment past census to qualify for alleviation. Petitions filed prior to the census date will be held past the census date for processing.

Remove Grades From Your GPA By Repeating The Class At Another Institution

When you have retaken a class that is equivalent to a class taken at Â鶹´«Ã½ and have received a better grade, then you can petition for Academic Renewal. The repetition can take place at any accredited institution. The student does not need to be a current student to apply for Academic Renewal.

Requirements to qualify for Academic Renewal with Repetition include:

  1. The successful completion of the class must be after the unsuccessful. For example:
    • If you took PSY-2 at FCC in Fall 2012 and received an "F". Then in 2013 repeated PSY-2 at another college and received a "C", this qualifies. The "F" will be replaced by the "C" on the FCC transcript.
    • If you took PE-14 at another college in 2011 and received an "A" and then took the same class again at FCC in 2012 and received an "F", this DOES NOT qualify. The "F" will remain on the FCC transcript.
  2. If the course was repeated at another institution, you must submit an official transcript from that institution for your petition to be considered.

Academic Renewal with Repetition Petition

Challenge A Grade You Believe Is Incorrect

The Grade Review Petition may be filed when:

  1. You want to challenge a grade issued.
  2. You attended a class and did not receive appropriate units or credit.
  3. The semester has ended and you never attended class yet received a grade.

Grade Review Petition

Petition Filing Deadline

The petition must be filed prior to the beginning of the next like semester.

For example: If the class was taken during Spring 2013 term, you have until the beginning of the Spring 2014 term to submit the petition. Petitions submitted past this deadline will be referred to the Academic Standards Committee for approval to process.

Repeat Classes That You've Previously Attempted (under limited circumstances)

Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations allows you to repeat classes that have been previously failed or withdrawn from under limited circumstances.

Most classes can be repeated once without special arrangement. For a third (3rd) or greater attempt, FCC requires that you meet with a counselor and submit a copy of the Student Education Plan (SEP) with the petition. Respond to the two questions on the back of the petition.

Petition to Repeat a Course reasons

  1. Previous substandard (D or F) or symbol (W, NP, or NC) received was a result of verifiable circumstances (§ 55045). Verifiable Third Party documentation of accident, illness, etc., is required to be submitted with the petition. You must respond to the two questions on the back of the petition.
  2. Disabled students who are part of the DSP&S program may repeat DEVSER classes only (§ 56029). An DSP&S counselor signature is required on the petition and an SEP must be on file with DSP&S.
  3. When legally mandated training is required as a condition of the student’s continued paid or volunteer employment (§ 55041(b)). Documents verifying the training is required must be submitted with the petition.
  4. If a significant period of time has elapsed since the course was successfully completed (§ 55043). A minimum of three years must have elapsed since the grade was posted on the transcript. Your petition must include a letter of explanation detailing why the course must be repeated (Example: Recency requirement of a specific requirement of a specific program, or change in industry related technology), 3rd party documentation supporting that explanation, and a Comprehensive SEP. All of these documents are required to be submitted with the petition.

Petition to Repeat a Course

Approved Repeat Petitions are good only for the semester for which the class was petitioned. This approval can be extended to the following semester if you are unable to attempt the class during the requested semester.

If you are currently enrolled in a course for the first time and you are failing that course and wish to re-enroll for the next semester before grades are posted, you will need to submit a Progress Report for Legal Repeats. Once you have completed your portion of the form and printed it, take it to your instructor for completion and signature before turning it in at the Admissions and Records counter. Please note, if you have previously failed, passed or withdrawn from the class prior to your current enrollment, you will need to follow the Repeating Classes instructions above.

Progress Report for Legal Repeats

Replace Non-Passing Grades With An 'EW' If Class Attendance Is Interrupted By Circumstances Beyond Your Control

The petition originates at the Records Office. If approved, the class(es) are not removed from the student's record. The letter grade is changed to an EW and a notation is made on the student's record of the approved Extenuating Circumstances.

Requirements to qualify to Withdraw for Extenuating Circumstances

With few exceptions, you must be withdrawn from all classes in the semester for which the petition is being requested.Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý


  • Physical or Medical Withdrawal from a class like PE or Dance.
  • Short-term class has been completed prior to the need to withdraw.
  • Withdrawing from on-campus class, but remaining in 100% online classes.

Reasons for Withdrawal

  • Death in the immediate family - Copy of death certificate and documentation of proof of relationship needed.
  • Jury Duty - A copy of the Court Summons of jury duty required.
  • Medical - A letter from the treating medical or mental health professional verifying that the student's condition prevents them from completing all enrolled courses for the affected semester (such as Fall 2019), along with a Release of Medical Information.Ìý
  • Changes in Work Schedule - A letter from employer on company letterhead indicating the date and hours of work schedule changes requested by the company.
  • Military - A copy of Military Orders required.
  • Other - Must have documentation from third party.

All required documentation must be submitted with the completed petition. Submissions without documentation will not be processed and will be denied.

Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances Petition

Petition Filing Deadline

The petition can be filed up to the end of the semester following the semester in which the extenuating circumstances occurred. For example, if the class(es) were taken during the Spring 2019 semester, you must petition to withdraw before the end of the Fall 2019 semester. Summer session is not counted as a semester for the purposes of this deadline.

Have class record adjusted and any W or grade removed if you never attended the class.

The Withdrawal for Non-Attendance petition requirements

  • Granting of this petition requires that you did not attend the class at any point. Your attendance or lack of attendance must be verified by the instructor for approval of this petition.
  • Complete Section I of the petition, print it, sign it, and bring it to the Admissions and Records counter.

Withdrawal for Non-Attendance Petition

Petition Filing Deadline

The petition can be filed up to the end of the semester in which you are registered for the class.

Be added back into a class after being dropped inaccurately.

The Reinstatement petition requirements

With the instructor's approval, reinstatements can be processed for drops made for the following reasons:

  • Instructor Error
  • Discipline
  • Illness
  • Failing
  • Excessive Absence

Reinstatement Petition

Petition Filing Deadline

The petition can be filed up to the end of the semester in which you are registered for the class.