Cover letters and resumes are many times your first impression to an employer. Your documents need to work for you, not against you when pursuing employment. Let the us help you with the creation of a resume and cover letter. Email to or call 559.442.8294 to request an appointment or for more information.
Professional Headshots
JCPenney's is offering FCC students discounted prices on professional headshots. $29.99 (1 digital Image reg.$59.99), $39.99 (3 digital images, reg. $79.99), $69.99 (Digital album reg. $169.99) plus $14.99 session fee per subject. Must present flyer at appointment for discount. Valid through 8/31/25. PC1814977. To receive a flyer, come by the FCC Career and Employment Center located at Li-147 or email

Good interviewing skills are critical to your success. How you perform in an interview will determine the outcome of being offered a position or not. It is important to interview with confidence and exhibit the feeling you can succeed in the job. Let us help you develop strategic interviewing skills. Email us at or call 559.442.8294 for an appointment

Free online training for essential workplace and employability skills