Administrative Services

We provide the following services: budget oversight, student hiring, coordination of classified transactions, distribution of room keys/staff-FOB ID badges, and facilities reservations and rentals.


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Fax: 559.499.6028
Location: Old Administration Building 161


  • Budget Oversight - review and monitor general fund budget and grants. Provide fiscal training.
  • Student Hiring - conduct & process new hire orientations, issue time sheets, and process payroll.
  • Classified HR - initiate personnel action forms for hiring campus-wide.
  • Key/Staff ID-FOB Distribution - issue room, building, and auxiliary keys or Staff ID/FOB badges to staff, administrators, and faculty.
  • Facilities Reservations and Rentals - book reservations for campus facility requests for the campus and community.

Need Help?

Call or email one of the Administrative Services Team

Vice President of Administrative Services

Daniel Moore

Daniel Moore


Administrative Services Team

Name Title Extension
Melissa Llanes Executive Assistant 2388
Cathy Kozielski Budget Specialist 2362
Jayesh Mistry Senior Administrative Services Technician 2365
Alex Padua Budget Specialist 2363
Jewell Riversmith Office Specialist 2213
Penny Sandlin Senior Budget Analyst 2361
Alma Huerta Administrative Services Technician 2364
Gold Moua Administrative Assistant 2327

Departments under Administrative Services

Department Purpose Contact
Building & Grounds Services Building & Grounds Services provides services to the college’s physical facilities. The services provided maintain the functional learning and working environments for students, faculty and staff. Chris Orr & Jerry Hernandez 559.442.8200 ext. 8746
Business Office The Business Office takes payments, distributes financial aid, sells parking passes, and provides fiscal services for co-curricular and ASG accounts. Tammy Maddox 559.489.2234
Print Media & Communication The Print, Media & Communications Department provides cost-efficient duplicating and printing services with benefits such as flexibility, confidentiality, security, convenience, control, and a fast turnaround time. Ben Lozano 559.442.8200 ext. 8791
Building Services For assistance with facility use scheduling and rentals. Jewell Riversmith 559.489.2213