If You Don't Need It, Delete It
Kalisha Spomer, Counseling; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
"Why should I delete my curriculum?" Â鶹´«Ã½ has 288 degrees and certificates and just under 1,600 courses! Put yourself in the shoes of a student who applies to our college, attempts to figure out what to major in, and then has to determine what courses to take to reach his or her goal. It is cumbersome and confusing, even for our campus experts. Imagine what our students have to navigate! Join the Guided Pathways Coordinator (and former Curriculum Chair) and the Â鶹´«Ã½ Articulation Officer as we discuss the questions you should be asking yourselves and your colleagues when examining existing curriculum and creating new courses, degrees, and certificates.
It's Tenure, Not Torture: Advice for Tenure Review
Rebecca Benas, Joseph Voth, Ria Williams, English
Strand: Know Your Campus
Just scored a tenure track position or applying for one? We're here to help! A panel of recently tenured faculty members will share insights about their journey through the tenure review process. Topics will include understanding the contract and the union, the tenure review timeline, managing observations and evaluations, writing self-reflections, complicated college forms, and participating on campus. Participants will walk away with a better understanding of campus policies and protocols as well as options for them to get involved with the campus community and students.
LGBTQ Cultural Competence Training
Alana Reed, DSP&S; Jerry Thurston, Communication Arts
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
This two-hour and 45-minute training offers information on the LGBTQ campus community with the immediate goal of increasing participants' cultural competency. The greater goal is to make Â鶹´«Ã½ a safe, welcoming environment for students and staff who are LGBTQ. Participants will learn basics on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as learning strategies for increasing competency and addressing homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. Attendees will also learn about the FCC Safe Space Ally Program, a campus network of LGBTQ allies who have attended this training and who have agreed to act as allies to this community.
Socio-Ecological Outcomes (SEO) Model
Dee Cetin-Berber, Lili Gao, Chuck Kralowec, Carol Rains-Heisdorf, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
Informed by Astin’s (1993) Input-Environment-Outputs model and extensive review of literature, Harris and Wood (2014, 2016, & 2017) developed a socio-ecological outcomes (SEO) model to predict student success for men of color at community colleges. This model is composed of seven key constructs including background-defining and societal factors as well as socio-ecological domains, all of which measure student experiences at community colleges. While the SEO model provides a theoretical understanding, this conceptual model has never been confirmed by empirical methods. Our purpose is to apply a structural equation modeling (SEM) method to confirm if the SEO model is a good model to predict student success for men of color. The model will assist community college faculty, students, classified professionals, and administrators to better understand the development and success of men of color. The model constructs can be used for programming and service development for closing achievement gaps. The equity-focused research may also be used to inform ongoing professional development that supports student success.
There's a New Gradebook in Canvas!
Kevin Scritchfield, Instructional Design
Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning
The new version of the Gradebook in Canvas has multiple ways to sort and message students, provide feedback on assignments, arrange columns and assignment types, automate late and missing assignment grading and messaging, and create notes for each student. The new Gradebook is now the default grading system in the fall so come learn about the changes.
Preparing Students for Reading and Writing across the Disciplines in English 1A
Jeff Tannen, English
Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning
Join us for this interactive discussion about how freshman composition classes prepare students for reading and writing in other content courses. This discussion will inform non-English faculty about what takes place in English 1A classes and influence future revisions to English 1A curriculum to include objectives and SLOs related to reading and writing skills across the curriculum. English instructors will clarify skills taught in freshman composition courses and describe how students should be using them in their other classes. Non-English faculty will be able to provide feedback and offer suggestions regarding reading and writing skills that are used in their disciplines.
Sequencing ADTs: A Workshop
Nick Lucio, Julie Preston-Smith, Counseling; David Shoemaker, Transfer Center; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
Sequencing the courses in your degrees and certificates is an essential component of Guided Pathways implementation ("First 15," "Second 15," etc.). The Guided Pathways Workgroup is currently focused on the sequencing of ADTs (Associate Degrees for Transfer). Join us for this hands-on workshop as instructors and counselors work together to determine recommended patterns, including the ordering of major requirements as well as GE course recommendations.
Student-Athletes Work Hard On and Off the Field
Jessica Shadrick, Counseling; Pamm Zierfuss-Hubbard, Athletics
Strand: Know Your Campus
The Athletic Program at Â鶹´«Ã½ has a tradition of excellence. It has created a culture of academic success, allowing our student-athletes to also become leaders in our society. FCC cares deeply about student-athletes and the success of these students is due, in large part, to everyone on the campus. Faculty attending this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of services afforded to our students while understanding the policies and procedures of this program. This presentation will highlight Â鶹´«Ã½'s Student-Athletes, who they are, what they accomplish on a daily basis, and their overall academic achievements. The goal is to change the paradigm on how we, as faculty and staff, view our student-athletes, how we work with them in and out of the classroom, and why the "student" in student-athlete always comes first!
Using Student-Made Videos to Improve Learning
Kellen Prandini, Anthropology and Economics
Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning
Looking for an alternative to assigning (and grading) year-end papers? Try mixing it up! In this session, you will hear from an instructor who took a chance and had his students create short videos for their final class project. You will view a few of these student projects and listen to the experiences of the student filmmakers themselves. The presentation will provide tips on how to incorporate student-made video projects into your class and a few ways to use these videos beyond the classroom.
Virtual Office Hours and Other Meetings Using Zoom
Kevin Scritchfield, Instructional Design
Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning
ConferZoom, a conferencing tool within the California Community College (CCC) system, provides a reliable, easy-to-use, and mobile-friendly environment for live, recordable tutoring sessions, online presentations, meetings, and discussions with audio, video, chat, screen sharing, polling, and more. It can be used independently or within Canvas and is available to all CCC employees and students at no charge. Capable of integrating with Outlook and Office 365, live captioning services can be provided as well. Bring your own device (or use one of our iPads) to see how easy this tool is to use with your students and peers. We will also look at how to schedule your virtual office hours within Canvas using ConferZoom, making you more accessible to more students.
A Study of Child-Rearing Practices
Martha Magnia, Child Development
Strand: Building Connections & Community
Fresno County's diversity is one of its greatest assets and our FCC student population is representative of this diversity. My sabbatical leave grew out of a discussion in one of my Child Development courses concerning the cultural traditions of childrearing. One student spoke of his Hmong beliefs and the other student shared the cultural practices of her grandmother who is from an indigenous group in Oaxaca, Mexico. Attendees will learn of the similarities I discovered during my cross-cultural study of both these amazing cultures. Becoming more culturally sensitive will positively impact our community college and society as a whole and, by becoming aware of our differences and similarities, then we can acknowledge we are more similar than different.
DSP&S: Equity, Access, and Success
Susan Arriola, Ryan Blodgett, Cindy DeSutter, Michael Gerard, Patrick Tackett, Maria Wiget, DSP&S
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
As FCC and the SCCCD pursue a focused commitment to the goal of closing achievement gaps, and as we enter the era of challenges and opportunities of AB 705, understanding the DSP&S resources available to students and the support available to faculty and staff is more important than ever. Join us for a session that will provide an overview of DSP&S as well as offering interactive discussions and demonstrations related to testing accommodations, Sonocent Audio Notetaker (a new audio notetaking application), how to talk to students about DSP&S, and how to access support if you have questions or concerns.
Starfish Early Alert
Evie Contreras, Kayla Mannon, Counseling
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
Starfish Early Alert connects students, faculty, counselors, and campus support systems to improve student access, success, persistence, and retention. Attend this session to learn how to raise flags as well as offer kudos to your students. FCC students face barriers to reaching their educational goals. This is especially true for historically marginalized and underrepresented students. Starfish Early Alert is an additional tool to assist us in identifying and removing barriers.
Study Abroad: What I Wish I Knew Before Applying
Brandon Bascom, Music
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
I wish I knew some things before applying, departing, and conducting a study abroad course. Now I have the opportunity to pass this hard-earned knowledge on to you. Topics will include the application process, recruiting, fundraising, administration duties, scholarships, and pre- and post-departure meetings. Participants will learn what scholarships are available for students and what students might consider before applying for a study abroad course. Best practices and creative strategies will be discussed in order to have a successful study abroad course.
Superior Syllabus Management
Don Lopez, Vice President of Instruction
Strand: Know Your Campus
Integrating with Canvas and eLumen, Simple Syllabus is a software platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish dynamic class syllabi. Designed to save time and eliminate redundancy, Simple Syllabus will help ensure compliance with student learning outcomes and accreditation standards as well as provide a centralized repository and historical archive. The platform allows for the protection of faculty autonomy and intellectual property all while letting faculty maintain complete freedom to edit the teaching components of their template any way they see fit.
Join us for our first ever Resource Showcase!
Enjoy lunch provided by President Goldsmith while familiarizing yourself with the various student support services Â鶹´«Ã½ provides.
- CalWORKs
- DSP&S Services
- EOPS, CARE, and NextUp
- Health Services
- Inside FCC Athletics: A Tradition of Excellence
- International Student Program
- Psychological Services
- Puente Program
- Student Activities
- Tutorial Support Services
Embedding Quizzes in Video
JoEllen Green, Computer Information Technology/Decision Science; Monique Kelley, Accounting
Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning
Enhance student learning with embedding quizzes into videos. Use Camtasia or Ed Puzzle to create videos and add questions at various points in the video to check for understanding. A test can consist of short answers, multiple choice, or both types of problems. This tool allows you to emphasize concepts, track who has taken the quiz, and whether they answered the questions correctly.
eLumen Training
Diane de Freitas & Kelli O’Rourke, Curriculum Committee
Strand: Know Your Campus
Hands-on training for the curriculum module of eLumen. All faculty who need to submit curriculum for fall 2019 and who have not yet received training are strongly encouraged to attend. Faculty will receive direction on five-year reviews, creating new, or modifying existing curriculum.
Starfish Enterprise Success Platform
Natalie Culver-Dockins, Counseling & Special Projects; Kayla Mannon, Counseling
Strand: Collaborating for Student Success
FCC students face barriers to reaching their educational goals. This is especially true for historically marginalized and underrepresented students. The Starfish Enterprise Success Platform is an additional tool to assist all staff in identifying and removing barriers. It connects students, faculty, counselors, and campus support systems to improve student access, success, persistence, and retention. This session will cover key functions and benefits of Starfish: Early Alert, Connect, and Degree Planner.
Virtual Classroom of 2020
Kevin Scritchfield, Instructional Design
Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning
Were you certified to teach online before Canvas? If you would like to update your digital tool skills, this session will show you a new resource available to you based on the California Virtual Campus/Online Education Initiative (CVC/OEI) design rubric that will enhance student interaction and learning. We especially encourage you to attend if you are considering submitting your course to the CVC/OEI Course Design Academy. This session introduces a self-enrolled, self-paced course in Canvas called DEC-202 (Distance Education Certification): Updating Your Online Teaching Skills.