2019 Flex Days

Fall 2019 Flex Day

August 9, 2019

Fall 2019 Flex Day

If You Don't Need It, Delete It

Kalisha Spomer, Counseling; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

"Why should I delete my curriculum?" Â鶹´«Ã½ has 288 degrees and certificates and just under 1,600 courses! Put yourself in the shoes of a student who applies to our college, attempts to figure out what to major in, and then has to determine what courses to take to reach his or her goal. It is cumbersome and confusing, even for our campus experts. Imagine what our students have to navigate! Join the Guided Pathways Coordinator (and former Curriculum Chair) and the Â鶹´«Ã½ Articulation Officer as we discuss the questions you should be asking yourselves and your colleagues when examining existing curriculum and creating new courses, degrees, and certificates.

It's Tenure, Not Torture:  Advice for Tenure Review                                        

Rebecca Benas, Joseph Voth, Ria Williams, English

Strand: Know Your Campus

Just scored a tenure track position or applying for one? We're here to help! A panel of recently tenured faculty members will share insights about their journey through the tenure review process. Topics will include understanding the contract and the union, the tenure review timeline, managing observations and evaluations, writing self-reflections, complicated college forms, and participating on campus. Participants will walk away with a better understanding of campus policies and protocols as well as options for them to get involved with the campus community and students.

LGBTQ Cultural Competence Training  

Alana Reed, DSP&S; Jerry Thurston, Communication Arts

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success 

This two-hour and 45-minute training offers information on the LGBTQ campus community with the immediate goal of increasing participants' cultural competency. The greater goal is to make Â鶹´«Ã½ a safe, welcoming environment for students and staff who are LGBTQ. Participants will learn basics on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as learning strategies for increasing competency and addressing homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. Attendees will also learn about the FCC Safe Space Ally Program, a campus network of LGBTQ allies who have attended this training and who have agreed to act as allies to this community.

Socio-Ecological Outcomes (SEO) Model                                                                                    

Dee Cetin-Berber, Lili Gao, Chuck Kralowec, Carol Rains-Heisdorf, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Informed by Astin’s (1993) Input-Environment-Outputs model and extensive review of literature, Harris and Wood (2014, 2016, & 2017) developed a socio-ecological outcomes (SEO) model to predict student success for men of color at community colleges. This model is composed of seven key constructs including background-defining and societal factors as well as socio-ecological domains, all of which measure student experiences at community colleges. While the SEO model provides a theoretical understanding, this conceptual model has never been confirmed by empirical methods. Our purpose is to apply a structural equation modeling (SEM) method to confirm if the SEO model is a good model to predict student success for men of color. The model will assist community college faculty, students, classified professionals, and administrators to better understand the development and success of men of color. The model constructs can be used for programming and service development for closing achievement gaps. The equity-focused research may also be used to inform ongoing professional development that supports student success.

There's a New Gradebook in Canvas!                                                                                           

Kevin Scritchfield, Instructional Design

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

The new version of the Gradebook in Canvas has multiple ways to sort and message students, provide feedback on assignments, arrange columns and assignment types, automate late and missing assignment grading and messaging, and create notes for each student. The new Gradebook is now the default grading system in the fall so come learn about the changes.

Preparing Students for Reading and Writing across the Disciplines in English 1A

Jeff Tannen, English

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Join us for this interactive discussion about how freshman composition classes prepare students for reading and writing in other content courses. This discussion will inform non-English faculty about what takes place in English 1A classes and influence future revisions to English 1A curriculum to include objectives and SLOs related to reading and writing skills across the curriculum. English instructors will clarify skills taught in freshman composition courses and describe how students should be using them in their other classes. Non-English faculty will be able to provide feedback and offer suggestions regarding reading and writing skills that are used in their disciplines.

Sequencing ADTs:  A Workshop

Nick Lucio, Julie Preston-Smith, Counseling; David Shoemaker, Transfer Center; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Sequencing the courses in your degrees and certificates is an essential component of Guided Pathways implementation ("First 15," "Second 15," etc.). The Guided Pathways Workgroup is currently focused on the sequencing of ADTs (Associate Degrees for Transfer). Join us for this hands-on workshop as instructors and counselors work together to determine recommended patterns, including the ordering of major requirements as well as GE course recommendations.

Student-Athletes Work Hard On and Off the Field

Jessica Shadrick, Counseling; Pamm Zierfuss-Hubbard, Athletics

Strand: Know Your Campus

The Athletic Program at Â鶹´«Ã½ has a tradition of excellence. It has created a culture of academic success, allowing our student-athletes to also become leaders in our society. FCC cares deeply about student-athletes and the success of these students is due, in large part, to everyone on the campus. Faculty attending this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of services afforded to our students while understanding the policies and procedures of this program. This presentation will highlight Â鶹´«Ã½'s Student-Athletes, who they are, what they accomplish on a daily basis, and their overall academic achievements. The goal is to change the paradigm on how we, as faculty and staff, view our student-athletes, how we work with them in and out of the classroom, and why the "student" in student-athlete always comes first!

Using Student-Made Videos to Improve Learning

Kellen Prandini, Anthropology and Economics

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Looking for an alternative to assigning (and grading) year-end papers? Try mixing it up! In this session, you will hear from an instructor who took a chance and had his students create short videos for their final class project. You will view a few of these student projects and listen to the experiences of the student filmmakers themselves. The presentation will provide tips on how to incorporate student-made video projects into your class and a few ways to use these videos beyond the classroom.

Virtual Office Hours and Other Meetings Using Zoom

Kevin Scritchfield, Instructional Design

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

ConferZoom, a conferencing tool within the California Community College (CCC) system, provides a reliable, easy-to-use, and mobile-friendly environment for live, recordable tutoring sessions, online presentations, meetings, and discussions with audio, video, chat, screen sharing, polling, and more. It can be used independently or within Canvas and is available to all CCC employees and students at no charge. Capable of integrating with Outlook and Office 365, live captioning services can be provided as well. Bring your own device (or use one of our iPads) to see how easy this tool is to use with your students and peers. We will also look at how to schedule your virtual office hours within Canvas using ConferZoom, making you more accessible to more students.

A Study of Child-Rearing Practices

Martha Magnia, Child Development

Strand: Building Connections & Community

Fresno County's diversity is one of its greatest assets and our FCC student population is representative of this diversity. My sabbatical leave grew out of a discussion in one of my Child Development courses concerning the cultural traditions of childrearing. One student spoke of his Hmong beliefs and the other student shared the cultural practices of her grandmother who is from an indigenous group in Oaxaca, Mexico. Attendees will learn of the similarities I discovered during my cross-cultural study of both these amazing cultures. Becoming more culturally sensitive will positively impact our community college and society as a whole and, by becoming aware of our differences and similarities, then we can acknowledge we are more similar than different.

DSP&S: Equity, Access, and Success

Susan Arriola, Ryan Blodgett, Cindy DeSutter, Michael Gerard, Patrick Tackett, Maria Wiget, DSP&S

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

As FCC and the SCCCD pursue a focused commitment to the goal of closing achievement gaps, and as we enter the era of challenges and opportunities of AB 705, understanding the DSP&S resources available to students and the support available to faculty and staff is more important than ever. Join us for a session that will provide an overview of DSP&S as well as offering interactive discussions and demonstrations related to testing accommodations, Sonocent Audio Notetaker (a new audio notetaking application), how to talk to students about DSP&S, and how to access support if you have questions or concerns.

Starfish Early Alert

Evie Contreras, Kayla Mannon, Counseling

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Starfish Early Alert connects students, faculty, counselors, and campus support systems to improve student access, success, persistence, and retention. Attend this session to learn how to raise flags as well as offer kudos to your students. FCC students face barriers to reaching their educational goals. This is especially true for historically marginalized and underrepresented students. Starfish Early Alert is an additional tool to assist us in identifying and removing barriers.

Study Abroad: What I Wish I Knew Before Applying

Brandon Bascom, Music

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

I wish I knew some things before applying, departing, and conducting a study abroad course. Now I have the opportunity to pass this hard-earned knowledge on to you. Topics will include the application process, recruiting, fundraising, administration duties, scholarships, and pre- and post-departure meetings. Participants will learn what scholarships are available for students and what students might consider before applying for a study abroad course. Best practices and creative strategies will be discussed in order to have a successful study abroad course.

Superior Syllabus Management

Don Lopez, Vice President of Instruction

Strand: Know Your Campus

Integrating with Canvas and eLumen, Simple Syllabus is a software platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish dynamic class syllabi. Designed to save time and eliminate redundancy, Simple Syllabus will help ensure compliance with student learning outcomes and accreditation standards as well as provide a centralized repository and historical archive. The platform allows for the protection of faculty autonomy and intellectual property all while letting faculty maintain complete freedom to edit the teaching components of their template any way they see fit.

Join us for our first ever Resource Showcase!

Enjoy lunch provided by President Goldsmith while familiarizing yourself with the various student support services Â鶹´«Ã½ provides.

  • CalWORKs
  • DSP&S Services
  • EOPS, CARE, and NextUp
  • Health Services
  • Inside FCC Athletics: A Tradition of Excellence
  • International Student Program
  • Psychological Services
  • Puente Program
  • Student Activities
  • Tutorial Support Services

Embedding Quizzes in Video

JoEllen Green, Computer Information Technology/Decision Science; Monique Kelley, Accounting

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Enhance student learning with embedding quizzes into videos. Use Camtasia or Ed Puzzle to create videos and add questions at various points in the video to check for understanding. A test can consist of short answers, multiple choice, or both types of problems. This tool allows you to emphasize concepts, track who has taken the quiz, and whether they answered the questions correctly. 

eLumen Training

Diane de Freitas & Kelli O’Rourke, Curriculum Committee

Strand: Know Your Campus

Hands-on training for the curriculum module of eLumen. All faculty who need to submit curriculum for fall 2019 and who have not yet received training are strongly encouraged to attend. Faculty will receive direction on five-year reviews, creating new, or modifying existing curriculum.

Starfish Enterprise Success Platform

Natalie Culver-Dockins, Counseling & Special Projects; Kayla Mannon, Counseling

Strand:  Collaborating for Student Success

FCC students face barriers to reaching their educational goals. This is especially true for historically marginalized and underrepresented students. The Starfish Enterprise Success Platform is an additional tool to assist all staff in identifying and removing barriers. It connects students, faculty, counselors, and campus support systems to improve student access, success, persistence, and retention. This session will cover key functions and benefits of Starfish: Early Alert, Connect, and Degree Planner.

Virtual Classroom of 2020

Kevin Scritchfield, Instructional Design

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Were you certified to teach online before Canvas? If you would like to update your digital tool skills, this session will show you a new resource available to you based on the California Virtual Campus/Online Education Initiative (CVC/OEI) design rubric that will enhance student interaction and learning. We especially encourage you to attend if you are considering submitting your course to the CVC/OEI Course Design Academy. This session introduces a self-enrolled, self-paced course in Canvas called DEC-202 (Distance Education Certification):  Updating Your Online Teaching Skills.

Spring 2019 Flex Day

January 11, 2019

Spring 2019 Flex Program

Asians in the City Projects            

John Cho, Asian Studies; Susana Sosa, Art; Michael Takeda, Reading

Strand: Building Connections & Community

Visualize how you can create a community of individuals united on a singular goal while demonstrating the Â鶹´«Ã½ Core Values of Collaboration and Diversity. Learn how to analyze cultural themes or topics that can be intertwined with the college. Over the last four years, John Cho and Michael Takeda have planned, organized, and brought to fruition Asians in the City, a daylong convention of lectures, cultural workshops, and small group discussion. For the upcoming year, Asians in the City will co-host a Chinese Culture Celebration event on February 23, 2019 with the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association.

Inspiration for Implementing Guided Pathways

Julie Preston-Smith, Counseling

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Many community colleges are a few more years into the Guided Pathway restructuring process than we are and have discovered innovative ways to create program maps, student success teams, and structured freshman experiences, all with the goal to improve student experience and increase completion outcomes. A review of a few of the colleges visited during a fall sabbatical project will occur along with an opportunity for the session participants to evaluate and discuss their strategies.

LGBTQ Cultural Competence Training

Alana Reed, DSP&S; Jerry Thurston, Communication Arts             

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

This two-hour training offers information on the LGBTQ campus community with the immediate goal of increasing participants' cultural competency. The greater goal is to make Â鶹´«Ã½ a safe, welcoming environment for students and staff who are LGBTQ. Participants will learn basics on sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as learning strategies for increasing competency and addressing homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. Participants will also learn about the FCC Safe Space Ally Program, a campus network of LGBTQ allies who have attended this training and who have agreed to act as allies to this community.

Open Educational Resources

Barbara Illowsky, Mathematics @ De Anza College

Strand: Innovation in Teaching & Learning

By now, you may have heard of Open Educational Resources (OER) or you know someone who is using them, and might be curious as to how you, too, can experiment with them. Maybe you have questions about articulation, how to embed OER, or how to find ones that colleagues in other CCC are using. Maybe you are just not sure about OER’s value and the effort to include them. In this session, participants will learn about Canvas course shells that are already embedded with articulated OER, where to find other open textbooks to use in your classes, and how to participate in a community of colleagues doing just the same. Bring your laptop or tablet to participate fully in this social justice issue. (This session will be repeated at 9:10am)

Dr. Barbara Illowsky has been a full-time mathematics & statistics professor at De Anza College since 1989. Barbara is co-author of “Introductory Statistics” & “Introductory Business Statistics,” free & open textbooks published by OpenStax College used by several hundred colleges and universities. She spent four years working for the Online Education Initiative, including as the Chief Academic Affairs Officer. This year, Barbara is back to her faculty status. She is the first OER & Innovation Fellow for the Michelson 20 Million Minds Foundation. She spends her days advocating for adoption of OER and policy.

PASS the Knowledge:  Meeting AB 705 Needs in PASS

Jennifer Dorian & Shushanek Silvas, PASS Program

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Academic under-preparedness and environmental issues remain hardships, even as the call for Student Equity and Success has grown. With the legislative changes of AB 705, the collaboration between PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) and teaching faculty brings the potential to impact nearly every student on campus. Come learn how PASS, which supports reading and writing for various courses through co-requisite support, group supplemental instruction sessions, walk-in tutoring, and holistic support such as free supplies, printing, and Brain Food, offers wrap-around services for student equity and success. 

Targeting Grant Funds to Enrich Your Program

Cherylyn Crill-Hornsby & Scott Trippel, District Office Grants & External Funding

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

This session will introduce district, campus, and public resources available to those interested in pursuing grant funding for their programs. Interactive discussion will cover basic project outlines, how to find funds that are aligned with project goals, establishing a project team, confirming campus consent, grant development timelines and workflow, submission approvals, and application finalization. Each section will include information on both internal procedures/policies and where assistance is available in the process. There will be time for questions and answers, and an opportunity to connect with Grants staff members about your potential grant options.

A Trial Run at Sorting Programs

Julie Preston-Smith, Counseling; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

The State Academic Senate and the State Chancellor's Office have emphasized the importance of college campuses creating "meta-majors" as one of the Guided Pathways strategies. Many California Community Colleges have established "meta-majors" through engaging their campus constituencies in an activity to sort their college’s programs. Join members of the Guided Pathways Workgroup, who have examined sorting activities at other community college campuses, as we do a trial run at a sorting activity for session participants. We will work together to sort and group Â鶹´«Ã½ degrees and certificates based on perceived commonalities. Participants will also propose names for the groupings as well as alternative names to "meta-majors.

Fostering Soft Skills in Class & on Campus

Lydia Anderson & Nancy Holland, Business; Mary Beth Wynn, Career & Employment Center

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Between today's public discourse, generational differences, and invasive technologies, the lines have become blurred on what is appropriate, acceptable behavior. Regardless of the industry, the ability to work cooperatively with others is key to completing a job and creating a work environment that allows everyone the opportunity to reach their potential. There is a need for individuals to enhance their emotional intelligence by learning how best to work with difficult people, navigate conflict, and communicate effectively. Beyond the continuing request from area employers to enhance/integrate soft skills into our curriculum, the greater need is to be ever mindful of how appropriate behaviors reflect our corporate culture and enhance our community. This session is designed to teach instructors how to infuse these necessary skills not only into their curriculum but also into our campus culture. Attendees will receive realistic tools on how to incorporate soft skills into daily instruction with the overall goal of better equipping students for workplace success, improving our campus culture, and creating a more accepting, civil society.

Got Scholarships?

Melody Kruse, Writing & Reading Center; Josephine Llanos, Financial Aid & Scholarships

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Join us for a hands-on workshop where you will be the student and get a first-hand look at the process the students go through to apply for scholarships, including the best approach to writing effective and powerful personal statements. Our team will provide information about scholarship opportunities and awards in correlation with Writing and Reading Center visits and highlight campus resources and information to guide students in the process.

Student Engagement with Digital Tools

Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Grab and maintain your students’ attention with digital tools that will increase their engagement and learning in your classes. If you don’t think your students pay attention to email, then Notebowl, a new Canvas integration tool, allows for notifications and conversations to go out in a format that may be more familiar to them. Come check out Flipgrid to upscale your class discussions to where students are interacting through video posts that are easy to evaluate and grade. If you have not participated in a live Kahoot! learning and feedback session, see how engaged your students can be in your classroom.

Accessible Course Design

Stephanie Crosby; DSP&S

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Accessible content is not only a federal and state mandate, but also an ethical obligation for instruction. Increasing faculty understanding of how to incorporate accessibility into course design and content planning improves the learning experience not only for students with identified disabilities, but also for all learners. Learning how to incorporate accessibility into the design of your course decreases time in retrofitting course content for accommodations. This session will cover basic tools in Microsoft and Canvas for accessibility, introduce some simple technology tools to incorporate into instruction, and review how accommodations can be navigated in face-to-face instruction.

Digital Equity Tools

Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

These days, faculty have access to so many digital tools aimed toward promoting equity and eliminating achievement gaps. NameCoach, which integrates seamlessly with Canvas, nurtures inclusion in the classroom and other campus settings. It provides students with a simple way to record a pronunciation of their name and convey their gender that is easily shared with their instructor and student peers. Discover how something as simple as pronouncing one’s name positively affects a student’s self-image as well as his or her success rates. You will get to know not just their names, but also your students themselves more quickly this semester! We will also discuss some of the other equity-based tools set up to foster belonging and address equity gaps.

Equity Syllabus Review

Ray Ramirez, Student Equity; Mary Ann Valentino, Psychology

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

The syllabus review is an opportunity for structured inquiry and reflection, providing a safe space to examine aspects of our teaching as reflected in the syllabi. We will explore ways to use an equity-minded framework for creating a welcoming syllabus that conveys course goals, class rules, expectations for and evaluations of student learning, and forms of assistance and support. Please bring a copy of one of your syllabi for the hands-on activity.

Mending Community Through Weaving

Ronda Kelley, Cultural & Women's Studies

Strand: Building Connections & Community

Kente cloth, a 3-warped, woven Ghana cloth, has long played a symbolic role in mending community. The cloth is an extremely strong and durable fabric, created deliberately with quality and strength in mind. This session will cover the history of the Kente cloth and participants will get to weave fabric while learning its traditional relationship to community building. Weaving is an activity that encourages the mind to choose to build a strong and well-constructed fabric by paying attention to the details. Join us for a session that not only includes a positive message but is also a fun exercise to engage in.

Due to the limited availability of supplies, maximum capacity for this session is 36 attendees.

The Survival of GE in the Era of Guided Pathways

Wes McMichael, Humanities; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy

Strand: Building Connections & Community

Are you concerned Guided Pathways will restrict students from academic exploration? Do you worry that general education courses will be eliminated, or greatly reduced as a result of Guided Pathways? Join two philosophy instructors who have explored ways to provide "guided exploration," as they share ideas for allowing academic exploration, while simultaneously providing a path for students to follow in order to reach their goals.

Navigating FCC: What It’s Like from a Student Perspective 

Â鶹´«Ã½ Students

Â鶹´«Ã½ has begun the journey of adopting Guided Pathways to ensure more of our students realize their educational and employment goals. Making our college more student-centered is fundamental to this institutional transformation. How do we effectively achieve this shift? We need to ask the experts—students themselves. This general session features a panel of students, with diverse academic interests and backgrounds, who will share their experiences at Â鶹´«Ã½. We anticipate this will help us to recognize and eliminate barriers and gaps, allowing us to identify small or large-scale improvements we can make to enhance the quality of the student experience at FCC.

Lunch & Poster Session

Join us for lunch in the Cafeteria and browse the various posters presented by some of our college programs, your colleagues, and our students! Lunch provided by President Goldsmith.

Student Posters

Dental Hygiene Students

Stop by and see posters from our Dental Hygiene students in the Community Dental Health classes. Students worked in groups of three and researched a topic pertinent to community oral health. Findings were presented to dental hygiene, dental, and allied health professionals. Reviewed by their peers and faculty, the first, second, and third winners were awarded dental hygiene instruments. The winners also have the opportunity to present their posters at the California Dental Hygienists’ Association Scientific Session in Anaheim in May 2019.

Goffman's Playlist

Jennifer Lewallen, Communication Arts

As student engagement has become a more pressing issue in higher education, instructors need to use a variety of learning modalities that best suit the content they are teaching. Education experts suggest that integrating communication technologies in the classroom allows instructors to combine informal and formal learning in the classroom. When instructors incorporate participatory engagement in the classroom, students report more enjoyment of classes. Stop by and consider new techniques in incorporating popular culture and technology in the classroom in order to make abstract theories more relatable to students' lives.

FCC Scholarships

Melody Kruse, Writing and Reading Center; Josephine Llanos, Financial Aid & Scholarships

The Â鶹´«Ã½ Scholarship Program has helped thousands of students attending Â鶹´«Ã½ achieve their educational goals. To be successful, the program depends on our donors who demonstrate their support for our college and their commitment to higher education with their generous contributions. Drop by and chat with our scholarship specialists and learn how you can encourage your students to apply for scholarships. Our team will provide information about scholarship opportunities and awards in correlation with Writing and Reading Center visits and highlight campus resources and information to guide students in the process.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Sally Potter, EMLS/Linguistics

Imagine every one of your students having access to your textbook on day one of your class! If you have concerns about the quality or limited choices of OER materials, stop by the OER poster session to get a snapshot of what is currently being done on our campus and discuss how you can switch to OERs. See data on increased units taken and increased retention rates and learn which of your colleagues are currently using OERs and what they are using. Receive instructions on how to get into the OER Canvas shell that links to numerous collections and materials. We can discuss reservations and doubts about using OERs and how those can be overcome.

TRIO Student Support Services Program

Roberto Mariscal & May Vang, TRIO

Â鶹´«Ã½’s TRIO Student Support Service Program (SSSP) is a program designed for first generation and/or low-income college students who want to graduate from college. We provide one-on-one mentoring and guidance as well as assistance with choosing college classes, campus visits for transferring students, career readiness, job-seeking assistance, and financial readiness. Come see how you can refer students and how to become a better ally for our students towards making graduation a possibility in their future.

TRIO Upward Bound Program

John Yang, TRIO

Â鶹´«Ã½’s TRIO Upward Bound program assists high school students from Fresno schools who want to make college a reality. The all-year-long program is housed at Â鶹´«Ã½ and, in continued collaboration with different offices and personnel at FCC, we can make this transition for them a possibility. Our students are involved in Saturday sessions, campus visits, study techniques, and career exploration. Learn how you can possibly obtain a student intern at no cost during the summer and how to become an advocate for our program.


Diane de Freitas & Kelli O’Rourke, Curriculum Committee

Strand: Know Your Campus

eLumen is the new integrated college platform for curriculum, program review, and SLO assessment. This training will focus on the curriculum management piece. All faculty who need to submit curriculum for spring 2019 and have not yet received training are strongly encouraged to attend. Faculty will receive direction on five-year reviews, creating new, or modifying existing curriculum.

Filling the Void: Reading in the Age of AB 705   

Leigh Ann Bane, Olena De Klotz, Jeannie Santos, & Michael Takeda, Reading

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

As we know, there is a significant difference between reading the words on the page and efficiently managing reading tasks for maximum comprehension and retention. AB 705, effective spring 2019, eliminates the requirement of pre-transfer level reading courses and two new classes, English 126A and English 300, developed by the Reading Department aim to fill the void. Each of these courses will be tailored to the content-specific needs of our students, which is new to both FCC and to colleges generally, as only one college has courses like these on their books. Come and discover these new courses and how Reading instruction can help your students.

Starfish Enterprise Success Platform

Natalie Culver-Dockins, Counseling & Special Projects; Kayla Mannon, Counseling

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

FCC students face barriers to reaching their educational goals. This is especially true for historically marginalized and underrepresented students. The Starfish Enterprise Success Platform is an additional tool to assist all staff in identifying and removing barriers. It connects students, faculty, counselors, and campus support systems to improve student access, success, persistence, and retention. This session will cover key functions and benefits of Starfish: Early Alert, Connect, and Degree Planner.

Student Equity & Achievement Program (AB 1809)

Ray Ramirez, Student Equity

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

According to the Chancellor’s Office and, outlined in AB 1809, the Basic Skills Initiative (BSI), Student Equity (SE), and Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) have been combined into the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program. The session will provide participants with a chronological overview of the BSI, SE, and SSSP programs to help provide context to the onset of the SEA Program and AB 1809. Special emphasis will be given to how the SEA Program and AB 1809 relate to student equity and Guided Pathways planning and implementation and how they will affect all functional areas of the campus.

Virtual Office Hours & Other Meetings Using Zoom

Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

ConferZoom, a conferencing tool within the California Community College (CCC) system, provides a reliable, easy-to-use, mobile-friendly environment for live, recordable tutoring sessions, online presentations, meetings, and discussions with audio, video, chat, screen sharing, polling, and more. It can be used independently or within Canvas and is available to all CCC employees and students at no charge. Capable of integrating with Outlook and Office 365, live captioning services can be provided as well. Bring your own device (or use one of our iPads or computers in the room) to see how easy this tool is to use with your students and peers. We will also look at how to schedule your virtual office hours within Canvas using ConferZoom, making you more accessible to more students.

AB 705 Implementation Updates

Susana Garcia, Counseling; Jackie Williams, English; Matt Woods, Math; Kerry Ybarra, Philosophy

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

AB 705 requirements (and subsequently AB 1805) will impact nearly every student and department at FCC. By fall 2019, major changes will be implemented in regards to placement and transfer-level Math and English. Leads from Math, English, Guided Pathways, and Counseling will provide up-to-the minute information on AB 705 requirements, changes, and campus-wide implementation. These facilitators will also answer questions related to AB 705 and AB 1805 at the end of the session.

Gradebook Upgrade in Canvas

Kevin Scritchfield, Office of Instruction

Strand: Innovations in Teaching & Learning

With new features you’ve been looking for, the new version of Gradebook in Canvas includes multiple ways to sort and message students, provide feedback on assignments, arrange columns and assignment types, create notes for each student, and automate late and missing assignments. Currently, you can turn on the new Gradebook on a course-by-course basis, but it will be the default in fall 2019. Be an early adopter and see the advantages of this tool.

Intrusive without Intruding: A Proactive Approach to Facilitating Academic Success      

Thomas Gaxiola-Rowles & Arrie Rose-Smith, EOPS

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Academic interventions often assume that students will self-identify their needs and seek help. However, more than one-third of all entering freshmen will not continue after their second semester. The intrusive model is an alternative intervention strategy based on the theory that students will respond to direct contact in which problems in their academic life are recognized and assistance offered. Is it possible to be intrusive without intruding, to be warm, friendly and inviting while still providing the “tough love” and information that students need to hear? It’s a delicate balance, but when done right, it can enhance the counseling relationship while encouraging student responsibility and participation. Dr. Arrie Rose-Smith and Mr. Thomas Gaxiola-Rowles will discuss several techniques to provide intrusive advising services without intruding or being overbearing. When collaborating for student success, it is important to use innovative techniques that are evidence-based practices. Intrusive counseling is based on the philosophy that the counselor and the student share responsibility for student academic success or failure.

Starfish Early Alert

Evie Contreras & Kayla Mannon, Counseling

Strand: Collaborating for Student Success

Â鶹´«Ã½ is excited to fully implement Starfish Early Alert in spring 2019. Attend this session to learn how to raise flags as well as offer kudos to your students. FCC students face barriers to reaching their educational goals. This is especially true for historically marginalized and underrepresented students. Starfish Early Alert is an additional tool to assist us in identifying and removing barriers. Starfish Early Alert connects students, faculty, counselors, and campus support systems to improve student access, success, persistence, and retention. Implementation of Starfish Early Alert will enhance the collaboration between Student Services and Instruction by providing an effective communication network focused on the student.