IDEAS Summit 2019

Institutional Development for Equity, Access & Success

May 29 & 30, 2019

Free for SCCCD Administrators, Faculty and Classified Professionals

Breakout sessions include:

  • Improved student support services
  • Strategies that increase completion
  • Instructional practices for student success & equity

Sponsored by Basic Skills Initiative, Guided Pathways, Student Equity, Student Success and Support Program, and Title V Co-Op.

2019 IDEAS Summit Sessions and Descriptions

Thank you everyone who attended the 2019 IDEAS Summit! See you next year!

Keynote Speakers


Dr. Laura I. Rendón

May 29 • 9:00am – 10:30am

Laura I. Rendón is Professor Emerita at the University of Texas-San Antonio. She is the creator of and the nation’s principal expert on “validation theory,” an asset-based student success framework that is employed to frame research studies and programmatic activities in two- and four-year colleges and universities. Some of her seminal works include Transforming the First Year of College for Students of Color, and Educating a New Majority. Dr. Rendón is also an educational consultant and featured speaker at over 100 higher education institutions and conferences throughout the nation.


Dr. Brad C. Phillips

May 29 • 11:55pm – 12:40pm

Lunch Keynote Activity

Brad C. Phillips, President/CEO of the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC), leads the organization’s focus on improving educational practice and outcomes in schools, colleges and universities. He has pioneered the collaborative collection and sharing of effective use of meaningful data across educational segments and its connection to educator use and institutional changes that dramatically improve student success. He is a frequent keynote speaker, author of numerous articles, and recipient of recognitions and honors. He is the co-author of the book Creating a Data-Informed Culture in Community Colleges. Dr. Phillips is the founder of the California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-PASS) and IEBC.


Dr. Pedro Noguera

May 29 • 2:05pm – 3:35pm

Pedro Noguera is a Distinguished Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA and founder of the Center for the Transformation of Schools (CTS) at UCLA. His scholarship and research focus on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions and demographic trends in local, regional and global contexts. Dr. Noguera has authored several books and published over 150 research articles and is one of the nation’s foremost experts on educational outcome disparities and equity.


Dr. Tyrone Howard

May 30 • 9:00am – 10:30am

Tyrone C. Howard is a professor in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. He also serves as the Director and Founder of the Black Male Institute, and is the inaugural Director of the UCLA Pritzker Center for Strengthening Children and Families. Professor Howard has published over 75 peer-reviewed journals and bestselling books. A native and former classroom teacher of Compton, California, Dr. Howard was named the recipient of the 2015 UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award, which is the highest honor provided to teaching excellence at the university. In 2016, he was listed by Education Week as one of the 50 most influential scholars in the nation informing educational policy, practice and reform.


Dr. Victor Rios

May 30 • 2:05pm – 3:35pm

Victor Rios is Associate Dean of Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. His expertise includes the role of social control in determining the well-being of young people living in urban marginality, tracking the social consequences of the punitive state and punitive social control cross institutional settings, and examining young people’s resilience and responses to social marginalization. In April 2016, Dr. Rios spoke at FCC as part of the FCC Speakers Forum. He has also been featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Ted Talks, the Oprah Winfrey Network, and National Public Radio.