
Faculty and Staff Update

Mar 18, 2020 —

An important part of planning surrounding the COVID-19 is developing systems and approaches to better serve FCC students. We are grateful for our FCC Family and our ability to work together as we get through this difficult time. We are working around the clock to plan for the well-being of our students, faculty and staff. As each of you make plans for supporting yourselves and your families, we encourage you to exercise all universal health precautions that have been recommended to date. Please see the list below for updates and progress made thus far:

  • The college is currently closed to the public until further notice. District Police will be available 24/7 and secure the campus. 
  • Our goal has been and remains to migrate all instruction, including science labs, to remote instruction. Ongoing communication and coordination is occurring daily between faculty and administration. Remote instruction will go live on Friday, March 20th.
  • All student services functions are in the process of migrating remote support delivery. Remote student services will go live Friday, March 20th.
  • All College travel has been canceled.
  • All campus-sponsored events, large gatherings and committee have been canceled or offered via alternative meeting delivery (i.e. telephone/video conferencing/online).
  • Consistent with general guidance from the Chancellor’s Office, all purchases and contracts are paused unless they are critical, including expenditures with Blanket orders. This is the prudent thing to do in any crisis. We need to carefully watch our expenditures during these uncertain times.
  • Minimal staffing will be on campus and includes District Police, Building Services, Business Office, Technology Support Services, and other essential personnel. All plans will allow for these employees to perform their duties and still maintain ample social distancing from others.    Managers are implementing appropriate plans for their areas and staff, which includes working remotely from home.
  • We are exploring options for our provisional staff and student employees for alternative tasks and assignments.
  • While not encouraged, employees are allowed to visit their instructional spaces or offices as necessary.  Please follow the social distancing guidelines while on campus. If you plan to visit the campus this, please notify your dean so they may coordinate with Building Services and Police.
  • It is natural for these unprecedented events to cause fear and anxiety. If you need help coping with these emotions, please look at the resources available on our website, which may be helpful for both students and staff.

We will continue to provide updates to you, we are grateful for our FCC Family and our ability to work together as we will get through this difficult time. We are working around the clock to plan for the well-being of our students and staff. As each of you make plans for supporting yourselves and your families, we encourage you to exercise all universal health precautions that have been recommended to date.

We will release more information as it becomes available. Check our homepage and/or the COVID-19 page for daily updates.

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