
Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Oct 5, 2023 —

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Title IX and the Marjaree Mason Center are collaborating to bring Healthy Relationships 101 to FCC.  The Marjaree Mason Center will provide a mini-lecture series on domestic violence and healthy relationships every Thursday in October from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in OAB 188.

October 5 - Topic: Healthy Relationships:

  • This lesson attempts to establish key elements necessary to create healthy relationships in our lives while defining ‘green flags’ or healthy relationship behaviors.

October 12 - Topic: Red Flags/Warning Signs

  • Red Flags, otherwise known as unhealthy relationship behaviors, are often glamorized in the media. This discussion hopes to bring awareness to the topic and define ‘red flags’ in relationships.

October 19 - Topic: Boundaries and Consent

  • We all deserve to feel safe and respected in our relationships. This lesson will cover different boundaries we can establish in our lives and highlights the importance of consent in all relationships.

October 26 - Topic: DV 101 (types of abuse)

  • The final lesson will close off Domestic Violence Awareness Month by providing a clear definition of intimate partner violence and defining different ways individuals can experience abuse in relationships. We also will cover safety planning and the services offered at The Marjaree Mason Center.

For more information or to request accommodations contact Gladdey Donsanouphit, Deputy Title IX Coordinator at 559.244.2641 or gladdey.donsanouphit@fresnocitycollege.edu


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