Accomodations and Services

Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP)

An Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) is developed for each student served by DSPS.  The AAP is a record of the interactive process between each DSPS student and a DSPS counselor/certificated staff member regarding the academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services, and or/instruction necessary to provide the student equal access to the educational process.


Academic accommodations provided to students with disabilities vary, depending on the student’s particular educational limitations. Examples of some of the services and accommodations available to students include:

  • Adaptive Computer Equipment: checking out loaned adaptive computer devices for disability services
  • Adaptive Computer Software: Kurzweil, JAWS, ZoomText, etc.
  • Alternative formats: Braille, large print, E-text, etc.
  • Alternative testing: extended time on testing, proctored room with reduced distractions, scan, readers, and scribes
  • Audio Recording: audio recorders are available to checkout
  • Course Policy Accommodation Agreement (CPAA): reviewed course by course, class by class, semester by semester. The CPAA cannot create a fundamental alteration to the course content or calendar.  It is set in advance to provide a plan if on rare occasion a disability has a flare-up that impact attendance or a due date
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: Sign Language Interpreters, Video remote interpreting, Real-Time Captioning, Closed Captioning
  • Note Taking Assistance: copy of peer notes, captioning transcription, Sonocent audio notetaker, checking out a loaned Smart Pen
  • Preferential Classroom Seating: due to their verified disability, some students may find it essential to sit in a specific area of the classroom
  • Self-directed Breaks: student is able to take a few minutes away from class to compose themselves in a way that is not a distraction to the class
  • Tram assistance: on-campus only

DSPS counselors may approve additional accommodations not listed above.  Additional accommodations must align with disability verification. 

Often Requested Accommodations

Those students wishing to park in the campus handicapped parking stalls must meet the Disabled Person Parking Placard or License Plates requirements established by section 295.5 (disabled person), and section 295.7 (disabled veteran) of the Vehicle Code of the State of California.  For additional information see the Policy Governing Operations of Motor Vehicles on College Campus, which is available from a link on the .

The Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates DMV (form REG 195), and/or the Application for Disabled Veteran Certification (form REG 256A) is available on the . 

Educational access sometimes means that students need equipment such as an audio recorder or Smart Pen to benefit from instruction. DSP&S supports the availability of adaptive computer stations in various locations on campus, including the DSP&S High Tech Center, library, writing center, and computer labs. DSP&S has a limited supply of adaptive equipment & assistive technology available for loan during class time. 

How to request Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology:

  1. Schedule an appointment with a DSP&S Counselor to discuss your request.
  2. If approved, go to the DSP&S office, and complete an Equipment Loan Contract.
  3. Equipment will be loaned by DSP&S only to students officially enrolled in classes.
  4. Equipment (e.g., audio recorders) shall not be loaned to a student for any purpose or activity that is not school-sponsored.
  5. DSP&S does supply batteries and paper for Smart Pens.
  6. If equipment is not returned at the agreed-upon date or has been damaged, the student will forfeit his/her rights to future equipment loans, and he/she will be asked to replace the equipment.  

Alternate media services will be provided to students whose disability-related limitations prevent them from accessing material in a format that is not accessible. Alternate Media is defined as instructional materials, textbooks, and classroom materials in formats accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities. 

Requesting alternative formats for your textbooks is a process that begins by requesting the alternative format you wish your books to be in for each class and ends by you downloading the material from AIM.  It is strongly recommended that students using Alternate Media meet with the Alternate Media Specialist to ensure they are receiving the proper format. 

  1. Once you are logged into AIM, click “Accommodations” in the top menu bar.
  2. Select the alternative format type such as PDF, Word documents, or braille for each class you are requesting alternative format for and click the “Submit your Accommodation Requests” button.
  3. For DSP&S to convert your books, you must submit a receipt or proof of purchase to the Alternate Format Specialist. 

To submit your receipt:

  1. Log into Aim.
  2. Click “List Accommodations” in the left sidebar menu.
  3. In the top section, “Select Accommodations for Your Class” check the box for the class that you would like to request alternate media for and press “Step 2-Continue to Customize your Accommodations.” 
  4. On the “List Accommodations” page, check the “E-text” box and press “Submit Your Accommodation Requests.” 

To upload your receipt:

  1. Click the “Alternative Formats” on the left menu bar.
  2. Near the bottom left is an “Upload Book Receipt” section.
  3. Press “Choose File” to select which picture you will upload.
  4. Select the class that is on the receipt (there may be more than one book on the receipt).
  5. You may also take a picture of your book with your cell phone and upload it.
  6. Click “Upload Receipt.”
  7. Once you have submitted your request for an alternative format the Alternative Format Specialist will begin converting your books. 

After this process has been completed, the Alternate Format Specialist will complete your work order. You may need to meet with the Alternate Format Specialist for training on how to access your material and answer any additional questions.  

If you have any questions or need technical assistance with downloading your textbooks, please contact:, 559.442.8237

Federal law requires colleges and universities to consider accommodations of attendance and deadline policies. The CPAA is appropriate when a student has a disability that is unpredictable in nature, with brief, periodic flare-ups that legitimately impact course attendance and or assignments. The purpose of the CPAA is to determine if additional flexibility exists beyond what is in the instructor’s course syllabus.

  • Student requests a Course Policy Accommodation as part of the interactive dialog process with a DSPS counselor.
  • DSPS counselor emails CPAA to instructor.
  • Instructor is expected to finalize their response to the CPAA within one calendar week of being notified by email.
  • DSPS counselor will facilitate completion of the CPAA with the student after receiving, reviewing, and agreeing to the response from the instructor. 

The Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) is an online confidential document that students request via their AIM account. The FNL outlines a student’s accommodations or adjustments that have been approved to support the student in a course. DSP&S students are responsible for requesting an FNL for each course for each semester: 

  • The FNL outlines eligibility while preserving privacy.
  • The FNL creates a conduit for communication between students and faculty.
  • Students should request their FNL as soon as possible after registering for classes.
  • Accommodations do not begin until after faculty have received a copy of the FNL.
  • An FNL is not retroactive. While students can apply for accommodations anytime during the semester, please keep in mind accommodations begin only after you have completed the DSP&S New Student Intake process AND faculty receive a copy of your FNL.

Initiating FNL via AIM

  • Once you have registered, your classes should be viewable in AIM within 24-48 hours (about 2 days). As soon as your classes are viewable, submit your FNL request(s) via AIM.
  • Once you are logged into AIM, click “Accommodations” in the top menu bar.
  • Once the “Select Accommodations for your Class” page pops up, go to the area labeled “Step One.”
  • Select one or more classes for which you would like to request accommodations.
  • Click the button labeled “Step 2 Continue to Customize your Accommodations.” 
  • If you do not see an accommodation that you requested, please contact your DSP&S counselor immediately.
  • Underneath each class in the area labeled “Select Accommodations” select the checkbox(s) for each approved accommodation that you would like to request for each class.
  • If you are eligible for Alternative Format textbooks you must check the format you wish to receive for each class. Checking this box will automatically generate a request to the Alternate Format Specialist to begin converting your textbooks.
  • If you are eligible for Deaf and Hard of Hearing services, you must select which service you would like for each class.
  • Once you have completed your request(s) click the “Submit Your Accommodation Request” button at the bottom of the page
  • Once this process has been completed, a Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) including your requested accommodations will be generated.
  • Once your FNL has been reviewed by the DSP&S staff, a letter will be emailed to your instructor(s).
  • If you have any questions about requesting your accommodations through AIM or would like to discuss your accommodations, please contact your DSP&S counselor.

Discussing your FNL with your instructors

  • Each student and instructor combination is a new experience. While we are all committed to ensuring access, there are particulars that are specific to each course that must be considered, thus, we encourage open communication lines between students, faculty, and disability services.
  • Refer to the course syllabus for instructor contact information and email your instructor to request a meeting to discuss your FNL request.
  • If meeting in person is not possible, you can arrange other means such as phone or an online session.
  • It is important that both you and your instructor are comfortable with your accommodation request(s). By communicating directly with each instructor, you ensure any questions or concerns can be addressed early on.
  • When you meet, introduce yourself. Here is an easy introduction you might try: 
    “Hi, my name is (blank) and I’m in your (blank) class. I’m approved for accommodations through DSP&S, and you should have received an email regarding the accommodations that I’ll need in your class.”
  • Information about the nature of the disability you experience is confidential. You are not required to share disability-specific information with your instructor.  If you are asked about it, you can refer your instructor to your DSP&S counselor.  

Interpreting services are approved by a DSP&S counselor as part of a student’s Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP). Services are provided when they are reasonable, effective, and appropriate accommodations. Scheduling interpreters requires advance notice. 

The goal of DSP&S Interpreting Services is to facilitate accessible communication linguistically and culturally among students and staff in the post-secondary environment to support Deaf students’ success toward achieving their goals.  

  • Students are highly encouraged to plan and request interpreting services as early as possible by utilizing priority registration.
  • Interpreters are assigned based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to staffing availability, skills, knowledge, and ability level of each interpreter and the individual communication needs of each student.
  • The DSP&S Interpreter Coordinator will make every effort to honor student preferences for a particular interpreter; however, DSP&S does not guarantee that a specific interpreter will be assigned or available. 

How to arrange Interpreting Services: 

  • Schedule an appointment with your designated DSP&S counselor.
  • Your DSP&S counselor will approve interpreting services based on appropriate disability verification.
  • Email Tabitha Dubois, the Interpreter Coordinator, to schedule an appointment to complete the intake process. 

To request interpreters for classes: 

  • Submit your class schedule for each semester to via email.
  • Class schedules should be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the beginning of each semester.
  • Students are required to notify the Interpreter Coordinator of any changes to their class schedules or interpreting requests as soon as possible and within a reasonable amount of time prior to the start of each request. 

To request interpreters for all other approved campus services and/or events: 

  • Interpreter Service Requests (ISR) must be made by completing the Sign Language Interpreter Service Request (ISR) form located on the bottom right-hand side of the DSP&S webpage.
  • Submit ISR form request two weeks in advance of the scheduled appointment or event. 


  • If a student is absent for three consecutive class sessions and has not submitted prior notification to the Interpreter Coordinator, the interpreter will automatically be reassigned to another class or assignment.
  • There will be a reevaluation to consider reinstating interpreting services which are handled on an individual basis with the student’s counselor and/or Interpreter Coordinator.
  • The first week of each class session, interpreters will wait 30 minutes to allow for students to arrive who may be running late due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • On the second week and thereafter, if the student has not arrived after 20 minutes, the interpreter may be reassigned to another class.
  • If an interpreter is absent for their assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Interpreter Coordinator and to remain in class to avoid unexcused absences. If the Interpreter Coordinator has already informed the student of the interpreter’s absence no further action is required.  


  • If a student has a concern about an interpreter, the student is encouraged to meet with the assigned interpreter to resolve the issue.
  • If the student does not feel comfortable meeting with the interpreter to resolve the issue, the student is encouraged to contact the Interpreter Coordinator for assistance.
  • Requests for a change of interpreter should be directed to the Interpreter Coordinator. 


  • Students are highly encouraged to use the DSP&S priority registration period to allow reasonable time to establish accommodations.
  • Late and/or last-minute Interpreting Service Requests (ISRs) will be expedited as quickly as possible as staffing allows.
  • For some campus-wide events, DSP&S will make every allowable effort to assist in honoring the request, but the department sponsoring the event is required to pay for the interpreting services.

Notetaking accommodations are approved on an individual basis through an interactive process between a DSPS counselor and the student.  Registered students who have met with a DSPS counselor and have provided documentation that supports the need for print-related accommodations may either be approved for in-class notetaker or notetaking assistive technologies.  For additional information regarding notetaking, please contact a DSPS counselor. 

How to access notes in AIM

Apply to be a Notetaker

How to upload notes into AIM


Priority registration may be provided as an accommodation to a student who has a verified disability limitation that requires special scheduling or class location requirements, arranging for classroom support services, or procuring alternative media materials. 

It is always advisable to plan and schedule an appointment to update your Student Education Plan as early in the semester as possible; counselor appointment times fill up quickly.  

  • Students must meet all other eligibility requirements for Â鶹´«Ã½.
  • No registration holds.
  • No academic holds.
  • Good financial standing and have no Business Office holds.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress. 

Additional information regarding registration requirements is in the Administration and Registration section of the Fresno City catalog.

Due to the COVID-19 campus closure for the Fall 2021 semester, most testing accommodations will be provided by instructors online via Canvas. Please check the FCC website for updates regarding COVID-19.

Testing accommodations may be provided to a student who has a verified disability limitation that may affect manual dexterity, vision, or perception.

Extended time or proctored exams:

  • Exams must be scheduled in advance.
  • If the exam is 100% online, instructors can provide extended time through Canvas.
  • If the class is hybrid or in-person, in-person testing will be available. 

To schedule a testing appointment, please call 559.442.8237, or, or visit the DSPS Testing Center page on the DSPS webpage.

Tram Services may be provided as an accommodation to a qualified student who has a verified disability limitation that makes it difficult to walk long distances or carry heavy loads while enrolled in classes on campus. An accessible cart is available to provide on-campus transportation to students who are approved for the service. Students who may be eligible for this service are those with temporary and permanent orthopedic disabilities that affect their mobility.  

How to arrange for Tram Services: 

  • Schedule an appointment with a DSP&S Counselor to discuss your mobility request.
  • Students must be currently enrolled in classes.
  • If approved for mobility service by the DSP&S counselor, please go to the DSP&S office to meet with a Tram Services driver.
  • Provide the Tram Services driver with a copy of your class schedule.
  • Complete a Request for Tram Services Service form with the Tram Services driver.
  • Service will begin on the day following completion of the Request for Tram Services form.
  • The student must be at the designated area and be ready at the pre-arranged time.
  • All books, bags, and packages are your responsibility. Drivers are not required to carry books and packages to classrooms, cars, etc.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to notify the DSP&S office as soon as possible if she/he will be unable to meet the Tram Services driver as scheduled (559) 442-8237. Three (3) failures to notify may result in termination of this service.
  • The student is responsible for informing the DSP&S office immediately whenever changes occur that affect the student’s need for mobility services.
  • DSP&S Tram Services has a limited number of vehicles and drivers. We will always try to pick you up at your requested time, but sometimes delays may be unavoidable.  


  • Academic Advising (Specialized)
  • Disability Management Counseling
  • Liaison and referral to campus and community resources
  • Vocational and Career Assessment

Learning Disability (LD) Services

Â鶹´«Ã½'s DSPS Learning Disability Services provides a comprehensive service to students from the identification of a learning disability to developing and establishing strategies that will help students meet their academic goals.

Services may include:

  • Learning Strategies
  • Specialized Tutorial Sessions
  • Learning Disability Assessment: The learning disability specialist conducts assessments of students and/or reviews previous testing to determine eligibility for services utilizing the Learning Disability Eligibility Service Model established by the state chancellor’s office.

Our office currently does not have a LD Specialist, for more information about LD services please contact the following campuses:

Clovis Community College (CCC) DSP&S Office: Phone | Email

Reedley College (RC) DSP&S Office: Phone | Email

Developmental Services Courses

Developmental Services Courses are designed to address the educational limitations of students with disabilities who would be unable to substantially benefit from general college classes even with appropriate academic accommodations.

Although designed for students with disabilities, Developmental Services Courses are open on a space-available basis to all FCC students who can benefit from specialized instruction.

Developmental Service Courses vary from semester to semester; not all courses are offered each semester.  For additional information about current course offerings, please refer to the current Schedule of Classes or contact the DSPS office.

DevSer-250 Career Awareness: Advisory: Counselor placement. Emphasizes the development of tools, ideas, and strategies designed to be the blueprints for obtaining and retaining a job. Attitude and personality traits will merge with goal setting and life management skills enabling students to better link personal issues to long-term career success. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-252A Communication Skills & Strategies 1: Advisory: Counselor placement. Emphasizes developing foundational communication skills and social skills at home, school, and in the community, using a variety of basic skills. Expanding basic communication skills including the various ways people communicate, appropriate versus inappropriate communication, the different messages we send, styles of communication, and using communication for general conflict resolution. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-252B Communication Skills & Strategies 2: Advisory: Counselor placement. Emphasizes developing strategies in the workplace and personal life related to personal disability, work ethics, communication, and socialization important for employment. Expanding communication skills as a vehicle for solving problems. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-260 Job Search, Employment Portfolio, and Interview Development: Advisory: COunselor placement. Emphasizes the development of job search strategies including online applications, social networking sites, internet job search sites, creating and utilizing a professional network. Students will complete portfolios which will include the following: Resumes, cover letters, letters of recommendation, and references. Students will develop and demonstrate interview skills. Students will develop and maintain a job search log during their job search process. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-262 Group Interaction: Advisory: Counselor placement. Development and improvement of self-understanding through group interactions. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-264 Transition to College for Students with Disabilities: Advisory: Counselor placement. Assist students with disabilities in preparing for the initial semester in a community college. Navigation of State Center Community College District campuses, resources, academic policies, procedures, and services. Course content will cover issues related to accommodations and resources available to students with disabilities to enable them to be successful in a college setting, including disability evaluation and assessment, alternative media, course selection, and scheduling. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-275 Horticulture Skills l: Advisory: Counselor placement. Basic techniques of foliage plant care and growing vegetables and ornamentals, with emphasis on transferable employment skills. Designed for students with disabilities

DevSer-276 Horticulture Skills II: Advisory: Developmental Services 275. Counselor placement. Intermediate techniques of foliage plant care and growing vegetables with an emphasis on transferable employment skills. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-277 Beginning Computer Literacy: Advisory: Counselor placement. Introduction to computers and commonly used microcomputer applications. Emphasis on computer use and adaptation. In-depth coverage of computers and their impact on society. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-278 Basic Word Processing for Work: Advisory: Counselor placement. Designed for students with disabilities. Basic word processing terminology and understanding of Microsoft Word.

DevSer-279 Basic Modified Computer Application: Advisory: Counselor placement. Expansion and enhancement of word processing, data management, spreadsheet, and other highly marketable microcomputer applications. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-282 Greenhouse Work Prep: Advisory: Developmental Services 275 and 276. Introduction to vocational training in an actual working greenhouse. Assists students in preparing for success in future employment. Topics include ornamental and vegetable plant growing and care, occupational behavior, and interpersonal skill development. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-283 Reading Comprehension 1: Advisory: Counselor placement. Prior to entering this course, students should be comfortable reading beginning college-level material. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Development of basic reading readiness skills through learning main ideas and important details; builds on already existing reading skills. Prepares students for DEVSER 284. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-284 Reading Comprehension 2: Advisory: Counselor placement. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Further development of reading skills and strategies while developing literal and critical comprehension. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-285 Paragraphs to Essay: Advisory: Counselor placement. Prior to entering this course, it is recommended that students be able to compose an organized paragraph. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Development of a basic understanding of paragraph and essay structures. Identification of possible essay topics and develop an ability to find and correct grammatical errors. Designed for students with disabilities. Prepares students for DEVSER 286. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-286 Essay Development and College Writing: Advisory: Counselor placement. Prior to entering this course, it is recommended that students be able to compose a short, organized essay. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Further development of college writing skills through composition, revision, and beginning research strategies. Designed for students with disabilities

DevSer-291 Strategies for Academic Success: Advisory: Counselor placement. Identification of learning strengths and weaknesses, educational, personal, career goals, study principles, methods, and strategies to achieve them. Designed for students with disabilities.

DevSer-292 Learning Skills and Strategies: Advisory: COunselor placement. Development of college survival skills. Emphasis on time management, note-taking, test-taking, library skills, improvement of communication skills, and career exploration. Designed for students with disabilities.

Certificate Programs

Career Readiness (F.7010.CN)

The Career Readiness Certificate Program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to enhance their education while focusing on an environment that will include job awareness.  This certificate will prepare students to enter the workforce through career exploration and planning, interview preparation, and communication and workplace skills development.  This program will enhance employment awareness of each student.

Effective Communications (F.5434.CN)

The Communication Skills Certificate Program offers an overview of the methods of communicating.  It also trains students to use their communication skills effectively in various situations.  This program is designed to enable students to achieve recognition of development in such areas as presentational speaking, problem-solving, decision making. and interpersonal communication.  Students will have the knowledge and key skills to communicate effectively using simple, concise, and direct language in order to achieve results in their communications with others.  The certificate program allows individuals to develop the confidence and clarity in communication to support their career and educational growth. 

High Tech Adaptive Program (F.7010.CN)

The High Tech Computer Certificate program is designed to provide students with educational and vocational opportunities and will also enhance prospects for gainful employment by developing computer skills using Adaptive Technology.

Ornamental Horticulture Skills (F.1061.CN)

The Ornamental Skills Certificate Program is designed to provide students with disabilities both educational and vocation opportunities.  A certificate will not only validate participation in the program, but it will also enhance opportunities to secure gainful employment.

School to Work, Clerical (F.7004.CN)

The School to Work Clerical Certificate Program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to enhance their education while focusing on an environment that will encourage awareness in the
clerical workforce as well as prepare students for mainstream computer classes. This certificate will validate the students’ participation in the School to Work objectives at Â鶹´«Ã½ and enhances the computer/clerical awareness of each student.