Chapter 35 Montgomery G.I. Bill

The Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition. Eligibility requirements are set by law and are complex.

Please follow these 3 Steps to start your benefits at F.C.C.

Chapter 35 Checklist to guide you through the process.

You will be certified for your benefits only after all documents have been submitted to the FCC VRC.

Documents to Determine Eligibility for Step 1

The FCC VRC will require the following documents:

  • Contact Form
  • Letter of Eligibility
  • VA Form 5495 (if applicable)
  • Prior College Transcripts (if applicable)

You may email or bring them into our office.


  1. Contact Form:
    • Please fill out the Contact Form to give our office your contact information.
  2. Apply to the V.A.:
    • Apply on-line at  and fill out Form 22-1990 (Application for Educational Benefits).
    • 2 to 8 weeks after applying you will receive a Letter of Eligibility in the mail, please email it or bring a copy into the FCC VRC.
    • If you attended and used benefits at a previous college, please fill out the VA Form 5495

Step 1 is required to be completed before moving on to Step 2


  • The SEP is developed by the veterans’ counselor and the student.
  • The Veterans’ Counselor will also evaluate the student’s prior college transcripts to determine which credits will transfer to FCC.
  • The SEP is a list of all the classes that the Veterans’ Dependents must attend to obtain their educational goal.

Documents to Determine Eligibility for Step 3


  1. Registration:
    • After receiving your SEP from the Veterans’ Counselor, your next step is to register for classes on your  using your SEP as a list. Keep in mind the V.A. will not pay for classes not on your SEP
  2. Official Schedule from Admissions Office:
    • After you register for your classes you must bring a copy of your official schedule from the admissions office only - not from WebAdvisor.
  3. Control Card:
    • To be completed in the Veterans Office before the beginning of every semester. This card is signed by the veteran to give authorization for the Veterans’ Certifying Official to certify you for your education benefits with the V.A so you can get paid on time.