CSU Transfer Information

You're ready to apply to a CSU campus and the Transfer Center is here to support you!

1. Start by following the steps listed below.  We've created helpful videos, links to valuable resources and tips for success

2. After going through all the steps, you may have some questions.  Transfer Counselors are ready to help!

  • Email quick questions to transfer-help@fresnocitycollege.edu. Please include your name and FCC ID along with a detailed question.
  • Schedule a 30-minute appointment with a Transfer Counselor to get specific application questions answered. Please call 559.442.8290 to schedule your appointment.
  • The Transfer Center offers CSU application workshops for both spring and fall admissions. Please call 559.442.8290 to reserve your spot or 

3. When you've completed the entire application, you can schedule a 30 minute review session with one of our Transfer Counselors: by calling 559.442.8290. Please access your Zoom appointment on a laptop or computer, so you're counselor can adequately view your application.

4.Explore the for up to the date resources to answer your questions.

Start Here

The first step is getting all your materials together so that you'll have the information you need to complete your application.  Use this to assist you.  (NOTE: This checklist tells you to get your CCC ID number, but this isn't necessary.  You only need your FCC ID number.)

Double check to make sure you know when your application is due: .

Start Here

This video will help you create an account in and will help you choose a program (major).  Remember, you're not just applying to a CSU; you're applying to a specific major at a CSU.



  • Be sure that your email address is accurate.  This is the email that all CSU's will use to communicate with you.
  • Be sure that all Biographical information is correct! Examples: Name, Birthdate, Citizenship, Address.
  • Make sure you apply to the right CSU.  Some students pick the right major, but the wrong campus.
  • Write down your username and password in a safe location--in case you forget it.
  • Don't use the Back Arrow in your browser.  Always Save a section before leaving it.

Start Here

This video takes you step by step through the Personal Information section.


  • If you're unsure about how to answer a question, you can always skip it and come back later.  Keep moving forward to complete as much of the application as you can.
  • Don't use the Back Arrow in your browser.  Always Save a section before leaving it.
  • Be sure that all Biographical information is correct! Examples: Name, Birthdate, Citizenship, Address.

Start Here

This video reviews how to enter high schools and colleges attend, as well as, any degrees earned.

This next video will show you how to complete the Transcript Entry section.  You will also learn how to access your SCCCD transcripts from WebAdvisor.

This final video will show you how to complete the General Education section (Golden 4) and how to enter any standardized tests like AP, CLEP or IB.



  • Be sure to list every course on your transcript, even if it isn't transferable.
  • Be sure to include every single college you've attended, even if you don't have any passing credit or transferable courses.  Not including a college attended can lead to a denial.
  • If you're unsure about how to answer a question, you can always skip it and come back later.  Keep moving forward to complete as much of the application as you can.
  • Don't use the Back Arrow in your browser.  Always Save a section before leaving it.

More Video Support

The following video shows you how to enter Repeated Courses.

The following video Shows you how to enter Withdrawn Courses.

The following video shows you how to enter courses that have been Alleviated (Academic Renewal).

Start Here

This video will show you how to complete the Supporting Information section.


  • If you're unsure about how to answer a question, you can always skip it and come back later.  Keep moving forward to complete as much of the application as you can.
  • Don't use the Back Arrow in your browser.  Always Save a section before leaving it.

Start Here

This video will show you how to complete the Program Materials section.


  • If you're unsure about how to answer a question, you can always skip it and come back later.  Keep moving forward to complete as much of the application as you can.
  • Don't use the Back Arrow in your browser.  Always Save a section before leaving it.

Start Here

This video will help you submit your completed application.


  • Before you submit your completed application, you can meet with a Transfer Counselor to have your application reviewed: 
  • Don't use the Back Arrow in your browser.  Always Save a section before leaving it.

Next Steps

  1. Check your email regularly!  You should get an email from CalStateApply immediately after submitting your application.
  2. Within a week of submitting your application, you should receive an email from the CSU campus.  This email usually gives you instructions on setting up a student account with their campus, which includes a new email address.  Start checking this email regularly!  If you don't receive an email from the CSU campus, call their admissions office to confirm that they received your application.  
  3. Be aware of transcript deadlines.  The CSU will need 2 transcripts from SCCCD: one will be due now and one will be due at the end of the Spring semester.  Every CSU that you apply to will need a set of transcripts from each college you've attended and transcripts for any test credit such as AP, IB or CLEP.
  4. Once admitted you will need to accept your conditional admission.  
  5. Each CSU may have different requirements and deadlines.  Be sure to check your email regularly and stay on top of this information!


This video will show you how to order SCCCD transcripts.  Even if you've attended multiple SCCCD Colleges (FCC, Clovis, or Reedley) you will only need to order one set of transcripts.  

Transfer Updates

The CSU transfer Spring 2026 application will open on August 1st, 2025 and close on August 31st, 2025.  Please contact the Transfer Center at 559-442-8290; to make sure that you're eligible to transfer.


The CSU transfer application for Fall 2025 will open on October 1st, 2025 and close on December 2nd, 2025.
Please contact the Transfer Center at 559-442-8290; to make sure that you're eligible to transfer. You can transfer as a  or an  transfer.
Discuss with a Transfer Counselor which option is best for you.