High School Enrichment (non-CCAP) Student Application Process and Relevant FCC Policies

Student Application Process

All high school students within are eligible to participate in high school enrichment if they meet the minimum qualifications, which are outlined in both the HSE Enrollment Packet instructions and on the HSE webpage, and submit all documents by the required deadlines.

The intent of this program is to provide opportunities for high school students enrolled in 9th through 12th grades who have exhausted all opportunities to enroll in an equivalent course(s) at their high school.

Applying and registering for high school enrichment courses is a two-step process:

Step One: Â鶹´«Ã½ Online Application.

All high school enrichment students must apply online through . Any previously enrolled student who has skipped more than two consecutive semesters must apply online again at CCCApply. The Office of Early College has created a step-by-step templateon how to apply. The application typically takes between 20-60 minutes to complete, and it can take between 48-72 hours for a SCCCD ID number to be generated. The students’ SCCCD ID numbers are required on the registration packet, the next step.


  • For classes that begin in the spring semester (January-May), the online HSE/dual enrollment application will open in September
  • For classes that begin in the summer (May-August) or fall semester (August-December), the online dual enrollment application will open in March.

Step Two: Submit the one-time Parent Authorization Form

The Parent Permission Form grants parental authorization for you to take HSE classes. This form only needs to be submitted one time during your high school career, and once submitted, remains in effect until the you graduate high school or your parent revokes permission in writing with FCC's Admissions and Records office. This is a new step/form that SCCCD will require beginning with late-Fall registration, and it must be submitted and on file before your HSE packet will be processed.

Step Three: Submit an Enrollment Packet to the HSE Office

A completed HSE enrollment packet is required for all high school enrichment students before every term in which they wish to be registered into a college course. Digital enrollment packets are available on the high school enrichment website. The packet requires signatures from the high school principal, high school counselor, and student.

High school students are allowed to submit one packet per semester. The process is entirely digitized. The student will fill it out, digitally sign, and provide email addresses for the high school principal and counselor. Once the packet is signed, it will automatically be forwarded to the Early College team for review and enrollment. All parties will receive a copy of the completed packet once the student has been enrolled/denied.

Incomplete or inaccurate enrollment packets will be returned to the student, and they will not be processed until the errors are corrected and the packet is returned to the college. Resubmission must still take place before the posted deadlines. Once packets have been verified as complete and accurate by the HSE college counselor, the packet will be forwarded to Admissions and Records for registration/waitlisting, or the counselor will deny the packet and return it to the student. If denied, the student may appeal if applicable reasons are met (see HSE website for more on appeal process).

To ensure timely processing, it is important for the high school to carefully read all instructions on the website and in the packet, double check all information for accuracy, include alternate class sections and class sections with at least 50% seating available, and include letters of recommendation if the student knows he/she will need to appeal when submitting to the Early College Office.

For more information including application links and step-by-step instructions regarding the online application process, please see the FCC High School Enrichment webpage.

After digitally signing and submitting an enrollment packet, the packet will automatically be forwarded to the high school and HSE office for signatures and processing. High School Enrichment (HSE) counselors will review the packet for accuracy (name, date of birth, and SCCCD ID#, signatures, transcript included, and home school affidavit (if applicable)), eligibility (high school grade level and grades in previous college classes), and confirm submission has happened at least two weeks prior to start of classes.

After the packet has been signed, processed, and enrollment/denials have been processed, all parties will receive a final copy of the form. The HSE office will only contact the student if registration is denied or the application is incomplete/has errors. The HSE office will not contact the student to notify them of registration or waitlist status. This means that it will be the student’s responsibility to monitor their SCCCD email and Self-Service accounts for these updates.

If registered into the class, the student can find the course information in Self-Service under “Register for Classes/View My Schedule”.

If waitlisted for a class, email notifications will be sent to the student’s SCCCD email address granting them permission to register into the course. Since this permission is only valid for 4 days, including weekends, it is critical that the student monitor their email daily. Once a notice is received the student must immediately forward the email along with their student ID# to the HSE office so that our staff can register the student into the class before the permission expires. Once the permission expires, the student will be removed from the active waitlist and the next student on the list will be notified. The college is not responsible for missed registration opportunities if the permission code is forwarded on or after the day it expires.

After registering for a class, students considering dropping out of a class may consider talking with their high school counselors or reach out to the HSE counselor for perspective on possible implications of dropping class or for referrals to support services. It will be up to the student to decide if dropping the course is the best decision.

If the decision is made to drop the class, the student must email the HSE Office using their SCCCD email giving their name, SCCCD ID#, class name, and class section number of the course(es) they would like dropped, and the HSE office will process the drop with FCC Admissions and Records if the deadline to do so has not passed.

Note on timelines:

  • If a drop takes place before Census day (typically the end of week 3 of a regular 18-week semester), then the course will not appear on the student’s transcript.
  • If a student drops after Census day but before the final drop date (typically at the end of week 9 of a regular 18-week semester), then a “W” (withdrawal) will appear on the student’s transcript. A “W” will not affect a student’s college grade point average; however, it can affect a student’s SAP (Student Academic Progress) which can, in turn, affect the student’s ability to receive financial aid when entering college after high school. 
  • A student cannot be dropped from a course after the final drop date (typically at the end of week 9 of a regular 18-week semester) unless there is an verified extenuating circumstance.
  • Students can find exact census dates and final drop dates for their own classes in the instructor’s syllabus and in Self-Service in MyPortal.

If students have extenuating circumstances that require dropping from a class due to serious medical reasons, or a reason deemed by the college to be out of the student’s control, they can petition for an “EW” (Excused Withdrawal) by completing the form Petition to Withdraw Under Extenuating Circumstances along with the required documentation as specified on the form. If approved, this allows students to withdraw without consequences to their academic records.

FCC Policies Impacting High School Enrichment Students

Please refer to the current Â鶹´«Ã½ catalog for the most recent policies and procedures updates.

Students are expected to attend every session of every class in which they are enrolled; attendance in online sections is generally taken by submitting assignments. Excessive absence can jeopardize a student's satisfactory progress in class. Students may be dropped from class if they fail to attend the first class session of the semester.

There are no institutionally approved excused absences for any reason. Only the instructor may excuse an absence. Instructors are required to take attendance at each class session. Any student who is excessively absent may be dropped from the class as specified in each class syllabus. Unless there are significant extenuating circumstances, that student can be immediately dropped from class by the instructor if the absences occur before 50 percent of the class is expired.

Once dropped, if a student believes there is just cause for reinstatement, the student may submit a Petition for Reinstatement through the Office of Admissions and Records. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate with instructors before/after they miss any amount of class time.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act outlines the rights all students, including high school enrichment students, have concerning access to and release of their educational records. Copies of District Administration Regulations implementing this act may be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Each student is encouraged to obtain a copy.

Students wishing to authorize the release of their educational and financial records must complete the State Center Community College District's FERPA Release form and follow the submission process outlined on the Admissions and Records website. Without this form on file with Admissions and Records, the college will not speak with anyone other than the student about the student’s enrollment, records, or any other personal/academic information.

Students at Â鶹´«Ã½, including high school enrichment students, are entitled to the best education the college can make available to them, and they, their instructors, and their fellow students share responsibility for seeing that their education is honestly attained. Because cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities erode the integrity of the college, each student is expected to exert an entirely honest effort in all academic endeavors.

Cheating is the act or attempted act of taking an examination or performing an assigned, evaluated task in a fraudulent or deceptive manner, such as having improper access to answers, in an attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage. Cheating may include, but is not limited to, copying from another’s work, supplying one’s work to another, giving or receiving copies of examinations without an instructor’s permission, using or displaying notes or devices inappropriate to the conditions of the examination, allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to represent the student, or failing to disclose research results completely.

Plagiarism is a specific form of cheating and is the use of another’s words or ideas without identifying them as such or giving credit to the source. Plagiarism may include, but is not limited to, failing to provide complete citations and references for all work that draws on the ideas, words, or work of others, failing to identify the contributors to work done in collaboration, submitting duplicate work to be evaluated in different courses without the knowledge and consent of the instructors involved, or encouraging, permitting, or assisting another to do any act that could subject them to discipline. Incidents of cheating and plagiarism may result in a variety of sanctions and penalties that may range from a failing grade on the particular examination, paper, project, or assignment in question to a failing grade in the course, at the discretion of the instructor and depending on the severity and frequency of the incidents.

Academic dishonesty in any form is a very serious offense and will incur serious consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct standards.

High school enrichment students may order a transcript. The first two official transcripts are free, and a fee is required for each additional copy. The law authorizes the college to release transcripts to other designated parties, for example, institutions from which students have obtained loans to attend school, or officers of the court. If the college is required to provide other parties with a student's transcript, the college will attempt to contact the student in advance and will keep a record of all such inquiries, making the record available to the student upon request.

Students taking high school enrichment classes are creating a permanent college record that can affect future educational opportunities, such as admissions to impacted universities and programs, scholarships, and eligibility for financial aid. College faculty do not have a different grading system for high school enrichment students.

Final grades will be posted on the student's college transcript. It is important for students to understand the consequences of letter grades of D, F, and W. For example: earning a D grade is not considered satisfactory for meeting the graduation requirements in Math, Reading, Writing, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Computer Familiarity. In addition, the D grade does not meet requirements for prerequisite courses. Students must earn a C or better for a course to be counted as a prerequisite. A D grade is not considered satisfactory for meeting program-major requirements. Please consult the college catalog for more information on the grading system at FCC.

Petitions: Students may petition for adjustments to their academic record under a few circumstances. Students can review the types of possible adjustments at Student Petitions.

Grievances: Students who reasonably believe a college decision or action has adversely affected their status, rights, or privileges may file a student grievance form and submit it to the Office of the Vice President of Student Services Office. This policy applies to complaints of discrimination and harassment. Students are expected to make a reasonable effort to resolve matters informally with either the person with whom the student has a grievance and then that person's supervisor or a college administrator, if necessary. Students have a right to file a grievance alleging discrimination and harassment whether or not they have attempted to resolve the matter informally with the accused party. All complaints are investigated.

An Incomplete (I) grade may be assigned in a course only by approval of the course instructor when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The student has completed all but the final examination or other minimal amount of course work required for a final semester grade.
  • The student has a serious and verifiable reason for not completing the required course work.
  • The student has a passing grade in the course at the time the I grade is assigned.
  • The student requires no additional class time for completion of the course.
  • In assigning an I grade, an instructor will specify, on the report for incomplete grade, a list of conditions necessary for the removal of the Incomplete grade. An “I” grade must be replaced by the appropriate evaluative grade symbol no later than one full semester after it has been assigned, though an earlier limit may be specified by the instructor. Students may not re-enroll in a course for which they have received an I grade during the time the I grade is in effect.

Along with a D and F grade, an I or NP (no pass) will disqualify a high school enrichment student from enrolling in future high school enrichment classes without special permission through the appeals process.

California state law requires students to maintain satisfactory progress while enrolled at a community college. Once students have attempted 12 or more units, they must work to continue satisfactory progress by maintaining a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and/or complete more than 50% of the units attempted. If students do not make satisfactory progress by completing courses and/or achieving grades, they will be placed on probationary status. The different levels of probation and remediation steps for a probationary status are available at Academic or Progress Probation.

Articulation with California public universities: Â鶹´«Ã½ has developed articulation agreements with the California State University and University of California to assist students in the process of transferring to a university. The most current agreements can be found at . Transfer Resources can also be found at the Transfer Center.