Pathway Teams for Faculty & Staff

What are FCC's Pathway Teams?

FCC has grouped all our majors into one of five Ram Pathways based on similar courses, student interests, and career opportunities. Every student is assigned to a pathway based on their chosen major at FCC.

There are five pathway teams, one for each of FCC's Ram Pathways. A pathway team is comprised of counselors, instructors, staff, and administrators specifically knowledgeable about the programs and services related to that pathway.

Pathway teams are designed to improve the student experience with intentional student engagement activities and easy access to dedicated counselors and other team members.

Pathway teams are also intended to improve the communication and collaboration between instruction and student support services to work together as a unit to help students reach their goals.

  • Improve student completion rates by intervening with students at key benchmarks along their educational journey.
  • Close equity gaps by providing intentional supports to students who may need them the most.
  • Decrease the time to degree and number of excess units taken by students in completing their goals by providing clear program maps and student educational plans.
  •  Improve the communication and collaboration between instruction and student support services, to work together as one unit to help students reach their goals

The goals for each pathway team beginning in 2019-2020 and continuing each year so far are:

  • Improve student completion of transfer-level math and English courses
  • Improve Retention and Persistence rates for Men of Color, particularly African American men
  • Increase student completion of ADT/AS/AA and CA

FCC Pathway Teams are one component of our Guided Pathways implementation. See our Ram Pathways webpage for more details about Ram Pathways for students.


  • Keep the focus of teams on case management for students, create task forces for curriculum topics/other GP work.
  • Schedule all meetings for the year in advance.
  • Have a core team of Managers, Deans, and Leads to meet to plan whole team meetings.
  • Hold strategic quarterly meetings for the whole team designed for each pathway to discuss pathway programs, data, outcomes, and student needs.
  • Have dedicated time planned in weekly schedules for special/categorical program to function in team.
  • Develop yearly calendar of contacts/calls/emails/activities.
  • Hold meeting of all intervention leads on each team at least monthly.
  • Include relationship building to include pathway instructors from other divisions
  • Use six factors of student success (Directed, Engaged, Focused, Nurtured, Connected, Valued) to keep focus on student perspective.
  • Focus on what is common among all teams as to why they are all together - help teams work well together.
  • Instead of counting all the students served, focus on the students that need the most interventions, be intentional.
  • Work with the state to lift restrictions on categorical programs so staff can work with students and activities outside of their special programs.

  • Team Member Roles - see table below
  • Success Teams and Guided Pathways - TBD

Team Roles and Types of Responsibilities

SS Admin Instructional Dean Team Lead Counselor Liaison Intervention Lead Spec Services* Instructor/Dept Chair Student/Peer
Attend all planning and team meetings Attend all planning and team meetings Attend all planning and team meetings Attend all planning and team meetings Attend all team meetings Attend all team meetings Attend all team meetings Attend all team meetings when possible
Organize planning and team meetings Facilitate implementation and conversation of instructional student success strategies, (units per semester, course offerings/schedules, curriculum clean-up) Communicate regularly to team members Work with Team Lead to plan all team activities/student events Participate in Early Alert strategy team Participate in team activities/student events when possible Participate in conversations for improving student journey through programs Participate in team activities/student events
Oversee budgets and resources Facilitate instructor involvement and sharing in teams Lead team to plan student activities/events Work with Lead to ensure completion of all tasks Organize Early Alert interventions for team See students when possible by pathway Participate in planning team activities/student events Bring student engagement perspectives to the team discussions
Facilitate SS participation in team activities/events Communicate to other divisions affected by team activities Understand and communicate team data See students by pathway caseload Guide/support instructors on using Early Alert Communicate to special program/office about team programs and activities Communicate student needs and curriculum changes to team Be a way for students to connect to resources in pathway (mentor)
Support team to develop topics for specialized training/PD Support team to develop topics for specialized training/PD Monitor progress toward reaching team goals Attend selected instructional department meetings/communicate with instructors Strategize campus probation interventions/participate in Probation Advisory Team Complete Early Alert, probation follow-up services, and "reach outs" for assigned students Coordinate instructors communicating to students about timely interventions -
Monitor team goals and progress Monitor team goals and progress Organize student "reach outs" for team Participate in course/program discussions to improve student success Organize communications to students and team regarding Early Alert/Probation interventions - Support students with mentoring and connections within pathway -
- - - Communicate to campus counselors regarding team activities and student success strategies for programs See students by pathway - - -

*Special Services Responsibilities Specific to Department/Office

Special Cohort Counselor/Advisor (EOPS, DSPS, CalWORKs, Veterans, etc.) Financial Aid Tutorial Coordinator CEC Transfer Student Activities
Scheduled time for pathway meetings and contacting students for pathway team Troubleshoot Financial Aid needs of student by Pathway Facilitate tutorial services for pathway students Take career counseling and employment referrals by pathway Be a resource on transfer for the whole team Organize students connecting to clubs related to their pathway
Inform/train team on resources for students Be a contact for team in the pathway Be a contact for students and team by pathway Train and coordinate others in pathway to provide basic CEC services to students Connect team to transfer data and train team for efficient transfer planning Bring student engagement perspectives to the team discussions

FCC Employee Pathway Resources

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