Faculty and Staff: Guides and Services


Self-Service is the portal to all District employment and faculty-related information. There are two primary tabs within Self-Service that will be most important to faculty, the faculty and employee tabs. The听Faculty听tab provides detailed course information including start/end dates; drop dates; rosters; and links for adding/dropping students, and submitting grades. Many self-service tutorials are available to faculty. The听Employee听tab provides information related to compensation, banking, and other employment-related matters.

Self-Service is accessed through .

Faculty are obligated to manage their course rosters including dropping no-show students the first days of class; adding students when space is available; reinstating students; ensuring accurate rosters throughout the course duration; certifying the rosters during the certification period; and immediately posting grades at the end of the course. A faculty roster management checklistprovides faculty step-by-step instructions and resources to ensure appropriate roster management throughout the semester. Faculty needing assistance with adding, dropping, or reinstating students or certifying rosters, should contact the 麻豆传媒 Admissions and Records office

Admissions and Records is located in the Student Services Building, lower level. Normal office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters, hours are extended until 6:00 PM except on Fridays. Monday through Thursday of the first week of the semester, our hours are 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Throughout the semester, faculty may need common forms relating to roster management/admissions and records. The Admissions and Records staff is always happy to assist faculty.

Defined by the CA Community College Academic Senate, the course outline of record (COR) is a document with defined legal standing that plays a critical role in the curriculum of the California community colleges. The COR clearly lays out the content and objectives for use by any faculty member who teaches that course. 麻豆传媒 utilizes as its curriculum management system.

Once logged into the public site, at the top will be a drop down menu for either Course or Programs. Select Courses. In the Search box, type in the name or number of the course (e.g., BA 31). A history of the CORs submitted for the class will appear. Select the document that does not have an end date (e.g., it is the most current and is usually at the top). Under the Details heading, click on reports: Course Outline Report.

In preparing to teach a course, review the course objectives and learning outcomes, methods of instruction; required reading, writing, and critical thinking assignments; evaluation methods; required materials; and lecture content. All faculty are required to follow and cover material in this document when teaching the course. This information must be reflected in the course syllabus. Faculty who teach online must also read and follow the Distance Education Addendum. Contact your Department Chair to secure a copy of the DE Addendum.

The course syllabus is seen as a contract between the students and instructor. The syllabus provides instructor contact information; course outcomes; meeting dates/times/holidays; class expectations; course-specific policies; required campus/district policies (DSPS accommodations, dishonesty infractions, etc.), and support tools. Faculty are required to provide a course syllabus and submit the syllabus to their division by the end of the first week of instruction. Academic Senate created syllabus guidelines to assist faculty in ensuring required information and other considerations are included in faculty syllabi. 

Faculty have the option of utilizing Simple Syllabus, a syllabi creation software embedded in Canvas. Through the Simple Syllabus link, faculty can access all syllabi that FCC faculty have created using the software. Simple Syllabus automatically includes required portions of each course’s respective syllabi (e.g., title, section, start/end dates, learning outcomes) and tags required policies/statements. 

A faculty guide to using Simple Syllabus is provided. Should you choose to use an existing syllabi as a foundation for your syllabus, make certain to secure permission from authoring instructor. Make certain to edit/modify/personalize the document to your course and "voice". 

Course syllabi should be equity-minded, welcoming, and encouraging. The Center for Urban Education provides guidelines listed below to assist instructors in creating an equity-minded syllabus. Prior to sharing your syllabus, audit your document to see if it:

  • Demystifies college policies and practices by providing students with the information they need to successfully complete the course and navigate the college.
  • Welcomes students and create a classroom culture in which they feel cared for and valued.
  • Validates students’ ability to be successful by communicating a belief that all students are expected to succeed.
  • Creates a partnership by communicating a commitment to working with students for their success.
  • Communicate the value of students’ backgrounds as sources of learning and knowledge.

Utilizing information from The Center for Urban Education, FCC Psychology Instructor and a lead with our Ram Racial Equity Lab (RAM REL), Dr. MaryAnn Valentino created a  to assist faculty in understanding what the equity-minded syllabus review is; apply equity-minded syllabus review tools to your own syllabus; integrate equity-mindedness into practice, and understand how a syllabus review tool can be used for equity-minded teaching inquiry and reflection. 

Professional development information regarding student equity is available through the Office of Student Equity & Success


There are occasions when a third party will need to assist faculty with maintaining a safe, appropriate learning environment as a result of academic dishonesty, concerning behavior, or disruptive behavior. The State Center Community College District utilizes Maxient, as a means for faculty to report academic dishonesty, student behavior, threatening/disruptive behavior, and general student misconduct. With the exception of concerning behavior (when the student poses an immediate threat or harm), faculty should make every effort to assist the student in correcting the unacceptable behavior. When dealing with a student behavior/discipline concern, in addition to submitting an incident reporting form, make certain your instructional dean is aware of the situation.

The Student Behavior Decision Tree below provides faculty detailed step-by-step guidance for academic dishonesty, concerning behavior, and disruptive behavior. 

If the alleged incident is ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (suspected cheating or plagiarism):

  1. First incident: Within five (5) days, meet with the student to inform them of the alleged dishonesty. Provide evidence at the meeting, including a copy of syllabus statement. The student may receive "O" on the assignment. Document your student meeting and inform your pathway dean of the incident and resolution. An email to your dean is a good way to document the meeting.
  2. Second incident: Meet with the student to inform them of the second infraction and provide evidence of the infraction. Report the incident in Maxient. The case will be forwarded to the Dean of Student Services Office. The student will be required to meet with the Dean of Student Services. The student will be disciplined based on the severity of the case as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Student Services.

If the alleged incident is CONCERNING BEHAVIOR (atypical behavior in or out of classroom):

  1. If the student presents an immediate threat of harm to themselves or others (Immediate Emergency), call SCCCD Police Department immediately. 559.244.5911
  2. If the student is exhibiting odd or concerning behavior that is not an emergency, consult with your pathway dean. If appropriate, ask the student if they are OK or in need of help.
  3. If the student requests help refer the student to Health Services or Psychological Services for assistance.
  4. If the student refuses assistance and continues to exhibit concerning behavior, report the behavior in Maxient. The case will be forwarded to the BIT/CARE team for assessment.

If the alleged incident is DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR (intentional disruption of learning environment):

  1. First incident: Meet with the student to inform them of their disruptive behavior. Provide the student with examples of appropriate behavior and allow them to correct. Document your student meeting and inform your pathway dean of the incident and resolution. An email to your dean is a good way to document the meeting.
  2. Second incident: Meet with the student to inform them of the second behavior infraction and provide evidence. Report the incident in Maxient. The case will be forwarded to the Dean of Student Services Office. The student will be required to meet with the Dean of Student Services. The student will be disciplined based on the severity of the case as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Student Services.

Helpful Tips related to Student Behavior Concerns:

  • When in doubt , consult with your pathway dean.
  • If meeting with a student via Zoom, inform the student and record the meeting.
  • A distinction must exist between personal and professional faculty/student relationships and communications. Avoid meeting students off campus.
  • Refrain from providing students your cell phone number. If necessary, use Google phone or a soft phone. 

For additional guidance or questions, contact the Dean of Student Services Office 559.442.8291 DOSS@fresnocitycollege.edu


Through its Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), 麻豆传媒 is committed to creating an accessible, inclusive campus environment using holistic, comprehensive, strategic services to empower students with disabilities and provide them access to pursue their academic, personal and vocational goals.

Typically, within the first week of instruction, faculty will receive a Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) from DSPS which outlines the required accommodations for any student enrolled in your class. Note that FNLs can be sent to faculty any time throughout the semester. Common accommodations include extended testing time, e-readers and note takers. All required DSPS student equipment and supplies are provided through DSPS. The accommodation notice will be sent to faculty (via campus email) and include the student name, course, required accommodation, and the DSP&S counselor. If faculty have any questions regarding the FNL, they are to contact the assigned counselor ASAP for clarification. Faculty play a key role in the accommodation process and, as part of the FCC campus community, faculty have a legal obligation to provide accommodations authorized by the DSP&S program.听

Students must qualify for the DSPS program. Faculty who feel they have a student that requires an accommodation should refer the student to the DSPS program. Additionally, faculty are required to include a DSPS statement in the course syllabus.听

麻豆传媒 provides ample accessibility resources for faculty and staff.听 All documents provided to students (including those uploaded in Canvas) must meet accessibility requirements and all video/media require captions.

The majority of student, campus and district communications occur via campus email. For that reason, faculty are encouraged to routinely check their campus email. Faculty access Outlook email through .听

Some faculty find it efficient to add their SCCCD email on a Smartphone so details to do so are located below. Depending on the type of device, you will more than likely need all of the information below:

Adding the email on an iPhone it will be a 鈥淢icrosoft Exchange,鈥 on an Android it will be a 鈥淐orporate mail.鈥

Email Address: This is your e-mail address: john.smith@fresnocitycollege.edu

Domain: scccd.net

Username: This is your account you log into your computer, i.e. js099

Password: This is your password you use to log into your computer.

Description: What you want this mailbox to be labeled on your phone.

Server: mail1.scccd.edu

SSL: You will need to use an 鈥淪SL鈥 connection

Determine whether you want to 鈥渇etch鈥 email or 鈥減ush鈥 email based on your data plan.听

Faculty Guides

Adjunct Connection

This is a comprehensive orientation for the new faculty member and an on-going resource.

Step by Step Guide for Instructors

Guide to help you with General Housekeeping items, Campus Services, Emergency Information, Teaching help and advice, Procedures, and more.


The Admissions and Records staff is here to assist you with roster management, student petitions and grade submission.

Admissions and Records is located in the Student Services Building, lower level. Our normal office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

During the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters, we will have extended hours till 6:00 PM except on Fridays. Monday through Thursday of the first week of the semester, our hours are 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. We will be open each Wednesday evening until 6:00 PM for the fall 2016 semester.


Important Dates

Technology Support Services provides technology coordination and support for the campus including:

  • Computer technical support for both the academic and administrative areas of the campus
  • Technical support of Distance Education and Online Instruction
  • Support for the campus network infrastructure including both wired and wireless networks
  • Support and training for the campus email system, printer and copier support, media services including audio/visual support and repair
  • Research on new emerging technologies for instruction and campus business processes

Faculty & Staff Need help?

Contact the Technology Support Services Helpdesk.

Phone: (front counter) 559.442.8206 or (automated) 559.443.8670.

Email: helpdesk@fresnocitycollege.edu (also creates helpdesk ticket for support)

FCC Faculty & Staff HelpDesk website: 


Students Need help?

Main page for Technology Help for everyone including students

Hours of Operation
Closed for holidays听

  1. Review our听Copyright Policybefore deciding what you wish to have copied.
  2. Fill out theCopy Center Request Form.

Preparation of Material for the Copy Center听

  1. Materials submitted must comply with all copyright laws. If you have a copyright release, attach a copy of the release to the work order. Any project received without this information will be returned. All items used by 鈥渇air use鈥 must have the copyright symbol and the source. If these items are missing the project must be returned for this information.听
  2. Provide clean originals. Every effort is made to reproduce quality copies from your originals. Please no 3-hole punched or stapled papers - these will not travel through our imaging devices.听
  3. Information must be clearly typed on white paper. Originals on color paper, particularly dark colors such as red, gold, blue, and green, may be difficult (and sometimes impossible) to reproduce.听
  4. Avoid colored ink on originals. Black ink reproduces the best. Colors of ink, such as a blue pen used for signature, may be difficult to pick-up.听
  5. Do not piece together originals. Loose edges can cause originals to mis-feed as they pass through the copier鈥檚 automatic document handler. 鈥淢ake-ready鈥 copies may be substituted for originals that are pieced together.听
  6. There must be a minimum of 3/8鈥 margin at the top and bottom and 1/4鈥 margin on each side of the page. Print that extends into this margin may not be picked up. Originals without this margin may need a slight reduction in order to fit the image on the paper. This may slow the process of your job.听
  7. Originals must be submitted, numbered, and unbound so that they can be properly arranged should the pages be out of order. Pages in books are numbered odd numbers on the right side (recto) and even numbers on the left side (verso).听
  8. All forms for specialty printing, stationery, envelopes and business cards must be completed and signed by department heads prior to submission for printing. These projects also require a complete budget number.听
  9. The material in your job must not contain any matter that is libelous, obscene, scandalous, or invades any person鈥檚 right to privacy or other personal rights.听

Work Orders

A work order not only authorizes the job to be billed to your department, but also provides us with important information about your wishes. We will need to know who is requesting the work, an appropriate telephone number, tracking number or budget codes, and date the finished product is needed. Convenient check boxes tell us your paper choice, if you want your copies to be two-sided or one-sided, collated, stapled, folded, cut, etc., and the number of finished pieces you need. Another area is provided for your description or title of the job.听

The library serves as an integral part of the college's instructional programs through the delivery of services and materials directed toward student success, lifelong learning, and the economic, social, and cultural development of the college community. Below are links for faculty to connect students with library resources and tools for developing information literacy skills.


Most divisions have specific frequently-used items of equipment conveniently located in their areas. Check with your division office for the location of this equipment. In some cases, equipment is permanently placed in some classrooms. But if you need equipment that is not available when you wish to use it, call the Media Center for assistance. This equipment will be placed in your classroom by the Media Center staff for the time requested. The staff work hard to transport equipment quickly, but because there is a high demand for some equipment and only ten minutes traveling time between classes, equipment may not always make it to your classroom as quickly as you do.

Equipment placed in your classroom by Media Center staff will be picked up by Media Center staff. Please help to keep FCC equipment on campus by properly securing your classroom upon leaving. If you are aware of equipment which needs repair or is not functioning correctly, please notify the Media Center ASAP. Tip: Rule of Thumb—When in doubt, call the Media Center, ext. 8206.

Instructor requests for media can be made through AudioVisual Support:

Ordering Audio-Visual Materials

To obtain AV materials for classroom use:

  • Fill out an a Request Form and submit it to the Faculty Video office, LRC mailbox, or email it to the Equipment Circulation office or
  • Call the AV Equipment Circulation Office. The Media Center staff will make all evening AV equipment setups to be used after 5:00 p.m. Call extension 8206 no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of use.

Pickup of Audio-Visual Materials

Videos can be picked up at a variety of locations. You can pick them up from the library or from various division offices. Please indicate on the request for, or when you phone us, where you would like to pick up your video.

Return of Audio-Visual Materials

In order to meet commitments made to other instructors, AV material must be returned in a prompt manner. The return date is always indicated on the label. Although there are times you may feel that your need is the top priority, the truth is the rest of us feel the same way so avoid conflict with other teachers by respecting the return date which is always indicated on the label. Should you wish to keep material beyond that date, call the Library to see if an extension is possible. If no one else is in line to use it, your request will be honored.

Tip: In the past we had a slight problem with media disappearing from instructors’ boxes, only to learn later that teacher so-and-so showed that film or video in her class when it had been ordered by another instructor. Since the routing system has been expanded, with delivery to mail rooms in division offices, that problem has lessened greatly. However, you should be warned that there are still poachers out there who think nothing of robbing your students to give to their students. Talk to the instructor, your department chair, or your division dean if this occurs.

Audio-Visual Recommendations & Previews

Each year the Media Center purchases AV materials which become part of the 麻豆传媒 Audio-Visual Library. Instructors are encouraged to preview and recommend for purchase those materials deemed most pertinent to curriculum.


Tip: Some publishers offer “free” AV materials to encourage instructors to select their texts. Often those materials are useful to other teachers. Making them available to other faculty by placing copies in the Library is appreciated.

The Public Information听Office (PIO) is responsible for all FCC public relations, media relations, publications and release of public information. We听can help you with promoting your events.

Please check the Graphic Standardswhen creating promotional materials.


Union negotiated Part-Time agreement and are housed on

The Academic Senate is the organization on campus that represents faculty in the formation of policy in 鈥淎cademic and Professional Matters.鈥 The Senate facilitates communication among the faculty, the college and district administration, the students, and the Board of Trustees. The Senate strives to promote the development and maintenance of teaching excellence within the framework of academic freedom, professional responsibility, and ethics. (Title 5 搂53200)

The Classified Senate is the organization on campus that represents classified professionals on campus.

Faculty have the opportunity to decrease academic barriers for their students by providing open educational resources (OER); low cost texts (LTC); and zero text cost (ZTC) materials for their students. The Open Education Resource Page provides guidance on how to receiving training, resources, and funding opportunities through low cost and/or zero cost texts.

Sabbatical leaves shall be granted to unit members, under provisions of the Education Code, for the purpose of carrying out an approved program which will enable the unit member to provide improved service to the District and its students. Consideration will be given to programs which involve an appropriate program of organized study, research, or travel.

*Note: To submit an application you must login to Blackboard

Dual enrollment courses are FCC courses that are taught to high school students for college credit. Although the rigor is the same, these dedicated sections provide faculty the opportunity to provide high school students their first college experience.

Below are selected readings to assist faculty in making the most of teaching a dual enrollment section and of better understanding the adolescent student. For more information on dual enrollment at 麻豆传媒, please see your instructional dean or contact Dr. Emily Berg, Dean of Dual Enrollment emily.berg@fresnocitycollege.edu.


Take some time and become familiar with the opportunities and programs that the campus provides students.

These are just a few of the valuable programs available to assist with FCC student success.


- use the SCCCD police website.

Employee Violations

To report suspected incidents of unlawful activities by District employees in the performance of their duties can be reported by calling or reporting it in person.  .

If the incident involves possible violations of state and federal statutes, rules, or regulations, or violations of fiduciary responsibility by a District employee listed below are the state and federal hotline information.


Phone: 1.800.952.5665


Phone: 202.693.6999 or 1.800.347.3756
Address: OIG Complaints Analysis Office (Hotline)
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room S-5506
Washington, DC 20210

Refer to AR7700 for complete Whistleblower Protection procedures.

District Wide Employee Discounts

More discounts are listed on the.

Music, Dance, & Theatre Performances

Faculty members receive a discount on tickets for music, dance, and theatre performances. Check the 麻豆传媒 website calendar for all of Fine and Performing Arts events or call the FCC Box Office at 559.442.8221 for information on concert dates, times, and ticket prices. Tickets are available for sale at the Theatre Box Office or .

Microsoft Software

DreamSpark is a Microsoft Program that supports technical education by providing access to Microsoft software for learning, teaching and research purposes. . Contact your department for more information.