Agricultural Systems

Do you want to increase your knowledge in agriculture and start preparing for a career or advancement?

What is AgTEC?

F3’s AgTEC Workforce initiative is a training program offered by seven California Community Colleges meant to develop your skills in Agriculture Technology. Master a wide range of learning areas like Crop Production Systems, Digital Literacy, Tool Operation, and Workplace Effectiveness. Learn online at your own pace with bilingual instruction, in-person assessments, and receive in-person support from AgTEC Pathway Navigators. Use skills you may have already learned in the workforce to open the door to more opportunities in the field of agriculture.

Why Choose the AgTEC Program?

  • Use your experience to earn a valuable certificate.
  • Broaden your career pathways within the agricultural industry.
  • Gain a better understanding of the industry through training and networking.
  • Master essential skills in tool operation, digital literacy, food safety and more.
  • There is no prior education required.

How AgTEC Works:

  • Courses will be offered in English and Spanish.
  • Advance at your own pace.
  • Courses are flexible. 
  • Student coaching support will be provided by AgTEC Pathway Navigators. 
AgTec Worker

The Ag Systems Certificate (12 units)

There are 14 different core skills to learn in the program. These skills will be tested through in-person assessment, and are as follows:

Core Competency Performance Indicators

I can identify and utilize digital technology (hardware and software) used in agriculture.

I can safely operate electronic and mechanical equipment used in agriculture.

I can safely set up electrical and mechanical equipment in agricultural tasks.

I can troubleshoot basic electrical, mechanical, and software systems and communicate identified issues effectively.

I can explain agriculture industry fundamentals.

I can explain the fundamentals of plant science and crop production systems.

I can safely use basic hand and power tools.

I can read and interpret agricultural industry documents.

I can demonstrate social and emotional intelligence in professional settings.

I can explain the fundamentals of animal systems.

I can implement best practices to meet manufacturing, food safety, and sanitation requirements.

I can follow workplace safety protocols using Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards. 

I can communicate effectively using industry methods within an organizational structure.

I can write effective agricultural technical reports.

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Learn more about the Ag Systems certificate program and courses.

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