Fee Reversals and Refunds

Fee Reversals can be obtained for Tuition and Health Fees.

Tuition Fee Reversal

Apply in person at the College Business Office or online . Please read Fee/Refund Policy.

It is the student's responsibility, not the instructor’s responsibility, to drop a class by the refund/fee reversal deadline. A refund or reversal of enrollment fees and tuition shall be made in accordance with the schedule listed below for reduction in program or withdrawal from class(es), and shall be initiated upon receipt of a written request submitted by the last day of the semester to the College Business Office.

Refund requests require an audit of record to verify the student's balance. Credit balances may be applied or carried forward to the new term in lieu of a refund. Balances greater than $15 will remain on the student's account for up to 3 years and balances $15 and less will remain on the student's account for 1 year.

Refund Policy

Primary Term-Length (Full Term Semester) Classes, 16-18 Weeks

  1. Withdrawal during the first two weeks of instruction - 100% refund
  2. Withdrawal after the second week of instruction - no refund

Summer/Short Term Classes

State Education Code defines the drop deadlines required to qualify for fee refund/reversals for short-term classes as on or before 10 percent of the duration of the class.

  1. A 100% refund is given upon withdrawal by the 10% point.
  2. No refund is given after withdrawal beyond the 10% point. 

Refund Calculations for Summer or Short Term Classes

Number of Class Meetings 10% Point (Rounded Down) 100% Fee Reversal if Withdrawal is On or Before
8 0.8 = 0 1st day of class
19 1.9 = 1 1st day of class
29 2.9 = 2 2nd day of class
39 3.9 = 3 3rd day of class


Classes meeting fewer weeks or fewer days per week will have a shorter withdrawal period based on the 10% point.  Do not count holidays or non-class meeting days in the calculation.  On-line classes use 5 meeting days per week to calculate the total number of meetings.  If your class has lecture and lab under one section number, the lecture and lab are considered one meeting for calculation. 

Petitions for Fee Reversal

If a class is dropped after the 10% period, but you never attended the class, you may still receive a fee reversal (subject to time limits). To apply for a fee reversal you can either apply online or use the following link: .

Health Fee Reversal

You receive a 100% fee reversal of the health fee upon complete withdrawal from all classes in accordance with the enrollment and tuition fee refund schedule listed above.

Parking Fee Refunds

Full refunds for parking permits will be made during the first two weeks of the fall/spring semesters and the first week of the summer sessions upon proof of complete withdrawal from school or a change to 100% online instruction. The parking permits must be attached to a Request For Refund form and submitted to the College Business Office in order to obtain the refund. There are no refunds for limited parking permits.

Student ID Cards

The first ID is free to all students. There will be a $5.00 fee for a replacement card.