Pay Online in Self-Service

To access Self-Service

  1. Select "Student Finance".

student finance

  1. View Account Summary and Select to Make Payment

make a payment

Select "Make a Payment" on the right hand side.

Continue to Payment Center.

Login ID & Password: To view your personal records, you must enter your login ID and password.

Login ID: Your login ID is in this format: studentID#

Example: 0123456

Initial Password: The first time you log in to My Portal, your password will be your first initial (upper case), your last initial (lower case), and your 6-digit date of birth.

Example: Js010197      

  • self service screenshotThe first time you access My Portal, you will be prompted to choose a new password.
  • Your new password MUST be 6 to 9 characters long and MUST include both letters and numbers.
  • We encourage you to use the password “hint” in case you lose or forget your password in the future.
  • Remember your Password
  • Do not give your login ID or password to anyone. Keep your login ID and password in a safe place.
  • Now you can Make a Payment

My Portal Help – call 559.442.8236