Financial Aid Check Information
Contact the Business Office if you have not received your financial aid check in a timely manner or if it is lost or stolen.
Financial Aid Check is Late
You must have a current address on file in order to receive your financial aid check in a timely manner via US mail.
You need to contact the Business Office if:
- You have recently changed your address within 10 days of the disbursement date. You must email the Business Office at with a copy of your valid government issued ID to update your current address. This email MUST come from your district student email account.
- If you have not received your financial aid check after 10 days of the payment date. You need to contact the Business Office at our email address with a copy of your valid government issued ID to have your check reissued to you at a different date. This email MUST be sent using your district student email account.
Financial Aid Check is Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed
If after receiving your check it becomes lost, stolen or destroyed, you need to inform the Business Office immediately by email at using your district student email account!
Forms of Valid Identification
- Valid driver’s license
- Valid identification card
- Valid military identification card
- Current Passport issued in the last year
- Current Green Card
Financial Aid Direct Deposit
To select direct deposit of your financial aid check, log on to and select the Direct Deposit option under Financial Aid. You will need your banking information to complete the form. Your name must be on the bank account for it to be accepted.
You must be signed up at least two weeks prior to the disbursement to receive the payment through direct deposit. With direct deposit, you will receive your funds in your bank before noon on the day of disbursement.
On the day of the disbursement, you will be emailed a confirmation receipt of payment. Always confirm the payment with your bank prior to spending the funds.